
Showing posts from October, 2018

Undone apple

Today on the bus stop I saw this random guy was eating a big red apple. I was waiting for the bus, soon this bus with random number came. I guess this guy was waiting for the same bus with the same digits.           When the bus with random number came & stood in front of him, He boards the bus but he dropped his apple (Undone apple). This random girl beside me saw that he dropped an undone apple (She yelled at him), but he ignored her. Now that Apple is going to lie down there till the next morning.

I miss you

Today over the bus ride I saw her. She & I used to be friends, she & I used to play together. (Carrom board was the only thing that kept us apart) She chose to be a doctor 👩‍⚕& I chose to be an engineer. Now she is sitting on the corner seat at the back & I'm here sitting in my favorite place.          I'm glad she didn't recognize me after so many years. I did not say hello or hi to her cause I'm happy that she is not alone, she is sitting beside this random guy they were holding hands. PS: I miss you.😌

Bunch of foreigners gigging by the stairs

Today over the bus ride I saw this bunch of foreigners gigging by the stairs of this 70-year-old Bridge.          One fella was playing guitar, one playing tabla, one with a flute & this only female in the group was having a harmonica in her hand.           Thank God for the red signal. I got to see them gigging for a whole minute. PS: They were playing a Hindi song 😉.


Today over the bus ride way home I saw this random guy sitting in a huge white car, he was wearing the nicest clothes. A costly watch but one thing I noticed is that he is busy filling up some excel sheets. PS: He is the workaholic guy I saw today.

Meter down 😡

Today on the way over home I sat in his autorickshaw 🙂. This Random auto driver behind him waved at me but I ignored him & sat in his autorickshaw. We talked for the whole 10min journey, he told me he used to be a hawker & soon he gathered money in order to buy this autorickshaw 😕.        Now he drives autorickshaw for a living. But when I reached home I saw the meter it was indicating only 16 rupees. I asked him "Brother why your meter is running slow ".  He replied with a sad face ☹. I forgot to put the meter down just because he was arguing with the autorickshaw wala who waved at me. PS : I gave him 23 rupees stating, usually the fare comes to 22 😇


It's sad when you ask your 6-year-old neighbor "what did the teacher teach you today ?" & she suddenly replies with a 😢 sad face. I didn't go to the school today. 😐               I was sleeping in my tiny bed the whole day just because of this stupid fever ☹. Missing a school day it's the worst part of the standard one. This is one of the reasons I used to sit alone in practicals & lectures  😇 #MissingVIT #Missing110

Crush in the neighborhood

Today the same old day at FEPL. I and my colleague were talking about life & GK, out of the blue this colleague of mine out of curiosity asked me "Dude what is the name of your crush from your neighborhood ?."             I gave him the most diplomatic answer, "If you know the name of your crush, She is not your crush. 😈"

Lady devastated by the October heat

Today in the Mumbai local this random lady board the men's compartment, She looked devastated by the October heat. Soon she boards the local she started looking for a place to stand or sit in the men's compartment. I offered her my seat, all she said is "Thanks 😊".         Miss, I don't want your thank you, I was about to hop out on the next station anyways 😅. PS: Her thanks made my day.

18-year-old auto-driver

Today I sat in his autorickshaw, He is just 18-year-old . He was driving like a pro. He had a perfect haircut. He drives for fun. He used to be a singer in a bar & restaurant but due to some unavoidable circumstances, he had to start driving. ☹ Now he drives an autorickshaw for a living 😌. PS: He never wears a uniform 😊

8-year-old uke

Today over the bus ride way home I saw this same old sound monk store(I have been visiting that store since last 8 years). I hopped out the bus soon I saw her she is 8-year-old. She's been there waiting for me when I pushed the door my eyes directly land upon her. I asked the random guy how many versions are available in the same type, He said she is the only one we are left with.          She is just a random ukulele 🎸 (A hello kitty version). I told the random guy "I don't deserve her she is too pretty for me".Then the random guy told me she is 8-year-old & still nobody is taking her home. She's just a hello kitty version. PS: She is too girly for girls 😂


I was walking on this random skywalk, I took a peak down on the road that's when I saw this random double-decker was flooded with n no of people. I was wondering how a single conductor is able to punch so many tickets??           Then I asked my colleague, how a single conductor is able to punch so many tickets ? as it turned out there are two conductors in a double-decker . PS: I never had the opportunity to sit in a double-decker ☹

How to make a friend over a bus ride

Let me tell you how to make a friend over a bus ride: 1st you start by saying " Hi ". 2nd you compliment his/her attire. 3rd engage the other person in a healthy conversation. 4th you end the conversation by greeting him/her goodbye. PS : It's lot more easier if the random guy/girl sat besides you 😅.

She was my schoolmate

Today over the bus ride way home, I was waiting by the door (only two stops were there for me to hop out ). The bus is running, that's the moment I saw her ( She was my schoolmate ). She saw me, I saw her. She wanted me to wave at her, But as always I'm not good at eye contact I ignored her implying that I didn't recognised her presence. She was from D-division & I always belonged to A-division.            But deep down I wanted to smile & wave at her but this time the bus is running ☹, I'm feeling helpless not because I was from the A-division. Just because the bus is running ☹ PS: She still looks the same 😄( I still don't know her name)

Undone Buckle

Today morning I board the same old bus, from the same old stop. But this time the bus is flooded more than usual. So again this random conductor working with full dedication, I bought the ticket  (I'm one of the standing fellows this time).         He stood in front of me, working as a pro punching ticket with maximum speed. But I noticed one thing about his wristwatch, the buckle on the strap of the wristwatch is undone.         Soon I pointed out that, the buckle on the wristwatch is undone. He locked the buckle & thanked me for it, He said: "this wristwatch is gifted by my daughter, from her first ever salary." PS: Today I made him smile for such a silly thing.

Wingardium Leviosa

Today I & my friend hop in bus number 339 (It's Sunday, the October heat is killing me), I was in my same old seat (In front of the back door). We were talking about random stuff going on our lives.            That's  the moment she entered the bus (She is our age). The moment she entered the bus my eyes land  upon  her, She was wearing a black t-shirt with  Wingardium Leviosa  written on the back.  while my friend was wondering how pretty the girl is I was more interested in her T-shirt than her looks.  Harry Potter fan after all 👊 PS: It's Leviosa, not leviorsa 💀

Imaginary dog (Satan)

Today morning I ran towards the wind, I ran like there is a dog behind me trying to bite me in the best possible way he can.           You know like the way Phoebe did in the s6e7 of friends, where she was running towards the wind running away from Satan (the neighbor's dog).           But just after 1km run this random guy & his 4-year-old saw me. The random guy told the 4-year-old see how people like me take good care of their health. You should start working out too. PS: Today I inspired a  4-year-old by simple means. 

What is a bus stop ?

Today my 6year-old neighbor asked me what a bus stop is ?? I told her a bus stop is the greatest place in the world 👶, it's a predefined place where all the random people gather just to get from point A to point B.          You see numerous kinds of people on the bus stop they may or may not be random for you. But it doesn't matter where they came from in the end everyone is going to hop on a random bus & become a " Bozo, in a Bus ride 😇 ". PS: That smile on her face was precious 👱

10 minutes talk with sweeper

Today morning at FEPL I spent 10 minutes talking to the sweeper. He asked me "what have you studied?". I told him "I'm an ENGINEER ", As the conversation moves ahead he told me I wasn't good at studies so I end up to be a sweeper. So you keep studying always.          Soon the conversation came to an end & he asked me where do you stay in Mumbai? I'm like I stay at  Bhandup West 😈 & Then I asked him "where do you reside in Mumbai?" he told me I stay at JUHU 🌊. (Where most of the wealthy people in Mumbai stays) Then we both laughed 😂 PS: It doesn't matter what do you do for a living, at the end of the day you have to put food on the table.

Decision you make in life...

Today over the bus ride way home, one random guy sat beside me. The thing is he was carrying a tab, I asked him whether you work in sales/marketing. As it turned out he is currently working in sales.            But then the conversation started to flow he asked me do you have any business ideas?. I told him, fella I'm just a bozo in this bus ride, I don't have any ideas. Then we talked about so many topics. He & I are from the same age group that mattered a lot. He was about to exit & he quoted "one thing you keep in mind in life, everything is about the decision you make. " PS: The decision always has to be right 😇

Blue is her color

Today morning at 6 o'clock I was returning from the morning run. One of the street light was blinking, that's when I saw her 😳. She was warming up for the morning run under that street light.          But soon my eyes land upon her she was not random anymore, I know her from somewhere . Damn that light bulb in my tiny brain just blinked, she & I went to the same college. But one thing for sure blue is her color. PS: I hate the fact that she was on the other side of the street ☹

Guy on a mountain bike

Today when I was staring out the window I saw something that I never get to see on most of the days. I saw him he was riding a mountain bike a Water bottle was tied up on her.           A very long beard, a big mustache, a big ponytail, bulging biceps. But soon the bus stepped ahead I got to see his face. He was a random guy but he belonged to the 60's age group. PS: He is the fittest guy I saw in days 😊

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