
Showing posts from April, 2019

When you visit a pottery

Today over the bus ride I saw this pottery, I hopped out the bus on the very next stop. When I entered the pottery there were flower plants, next to the flower pots it was a big place all the pottery work is done in the same place. By those two fellas, there is verity of pots with verity in size & colour. The visit to this pottery was awesome, this random lady came after me looking for a red pot the moment she entered she started bargaining (things Mumbaikar do...). Hope she finds the perfect pot of her choice.

Devasted by the heat

So today over the train ride I sat on the window seat, the train moves in 13min, two min later this random 45yr-old lady board the men's compartment. She thought the train is about to leave so she boards the compartment which she first saw. Then she relaxed for a bit, she seems devasted by the heat. She asked me, how much time this train will take to move. Ten minutes I uttered. So she took a deep breath & told me I can make it to the ladies compartment, then she went... Story end. 😅

Things conductor do

What normal people do when they see their friend in commute, usually they go up to him/her & talk for a bit or just a long time no see smile. But this guy is different if he sees somebody he knew in commute he doesn't usually get a chance to go up to the person & have a small talk. The reason is he is working because he is just another conductor who just waves & smiles 🙂 at familiar faces. PS: This is what conductors do...

Fake bibliophile

Today over the train ride way home I saw her she is just another random girl, reading a book she was on page 10 with that bookmark in the middle. Yogananda was the book's name, a few minutes later again I saw her she is on page 16. That book didn't even have any pictures to entertain. Time pass by I'm about to deboard the train, that's when I noticed she is on page no. 55 (is she reading 5 pages/minute) or the book is so boring that she skipped most of the paragraphs.  PS: wait I think she is just pretending to read 😅

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