
Showing posts from May, 2019

Men at Work !

Today over the bus ride I saw this sign on one of the metro construction, the sign simply reads "Men at work!". The sign got me thinking if there exist men at work sign there must be a feminine sign for that too, I never saw one 😬. I guess there isn't any such sign & if there is it will read "Women are gossiping!". I guess the feminine sign is more descriptive than the Men at work sign. If I see such sign Ill be more than happy, just because my prediction became true.


Today over the bus ride way home I saw this four pokemon's, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, I was trying to figure out the name of the fourth one but I wasn't able to. These four Pokemone starings at every1. But the whole ride I tried to figure out the name, it took me back to my childhood to the time where Pokemon is used to be the favourite of all kids. I used to rush home after school so I won't miss the episode, I always wanted a Charmander not because his abilities just because I knew when he grew up he'll become a Charizard. Dream to be a Charizard not a Chowkidar  😂

Conductor who?

An ideal empty bus is when there is nobody, but when it comes to these Mumbai BEST buses we can say that an ideal empty bus is when there are no standees, the only guy standing is this workaholic guy the Conductor (Master) . He works so hard he barely gets to sit, I was wondering how can someone be passionate about his job even in this burning heat, he tries to be polite all the time. Then I realised the mantra of his happiness is this bus that he gets to ride as part of his job. PS: he is the happiest soul I saw today

Powai lake

Today over the bus ride this random girl sat beside me, it was a whole 40min ride. So about this girl, I don't know her but I can tell she was so bored today because the whole ride she called around 5 peeps she talked with everybody for around 5 min each. 20 min later she cut that call to stare at the Powai lake, those 10 min are the best part of the day when your bus passes by the Powai lake. But the lake is out of her eyesight now she again picked up her cell began another conversation, the whole ride I was pretending to stare out the window but meanwhile, I was hearing her conversations which made her laugh & me too. I wish she was not random for me because I wanted to be on the other end.

Green helmet

Today over the bus ride I saw him, he is just another random guy on his bike riding to his workplace. But the weird thing is he was wearing this green helmet, helmet wasn't green in color the helmet was taped with green coloured tape 😅. I was wondering why did he find a need to wear that helmet? Then I saw this lady who is in her mid twenty's with her kid riding on a scooter. Her hair was so long the air flows through her hair which makes her more pretty, I was mesmerized by her beauty but soon after she rode off my eighsite all I think about is she wasn't wearing any helmet.👩 PS: beauty will fade someday.

Ugly Bus

Today over the bus ride I saw her, she is this undeniably pretty girl. The moment she got on the bus she looked confused. She is worried whether this bus goes to her desired location or not, she needs her query resolved asap. Finally, she gathered all the courage & asked the conductor. When the conductor asked her to deboard the bus, she felt trolled for no obvious reason. Somebody gave her the wrong directions, on the very next stop she deboarded the bus, the bus seems ugly & empty now just because she took away all the pretty with her. PS: She is the prettiest soul I saw today.

Can I borrow your newspaper

How to start a conversation with your co-passenger if he/she is reading something. You start by saying can I take a look at that for a couple of minutes, try to read & grasp the same page he/she is reading. pick out a particular topic & ask his/her opinion for the same. If both of your opinions match, a few minutes later you will be having a decent conversation. If they don't both of you will be arguing on the same thing.

Mumbai & Marathi

Today over the bus ride I sat in this empty bus, soon after 15min all the seats are full, standees are also there. 20min later this bus is so full that there are people hanging by the door, this random guy board the bus & asked the passengers to scooch to the front end, but not a single bozo chose to do the same. This random guy got so angry he was yelling at everyone in Marathi, but one thing he said hurt everyone all he said is "if you are in Mumbai & you don't understand Marathi or just pretend you don't, you people are not humans 😒 "

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