
Showing posts from December, 2019


Today had an encounter with this random 40yr-old auto driver, he initiated the conversation by saying "you are my last passenger for today". Bam 5minutes later we were swapping life stories, he told me he stays @Thane but just because His autorickshaw belongs in Mumbai he had to drive around in Mumbai. Told me Saturdays are worst for autowalas, I'm like what bout Sunday's. Sunday I took a day off & spend time with fam he said, I'm only human after all...

The irregular Video call

Well, this bus ride is way to long man, Now I saw a 22-yr- old video calling with his loved one. But this video call isn't a regular one where you talk with your loved ones so that they can see you as well as hear what you say. So this deaf guy was video calling his mother they were talking in sign language, he was telling his mother that he is about to reach his workplace. He may be the happiest soul I saw today morning, I was wondering how a deaf guy communicates so well while sometimes I struggle to make a point. #IntrovertStruggles

Powerpuff girl !!

Today over the bus ride I saw her, she's just another 30yr-old lady. She looks so energetic, I saw her working hard till the entire bus ride. I heard her yelling at a bunch of bozos too. She was killing it in that khaki uniform of hers plus she was having a good hair day... Well, that's the perks of boarding an irregular bus for a regular route. PS: She is a kind of Powerpuff girl we all need rn. # womeninkhaki


So today this bozo sat in an autorickshaw, the moment I got in his rick he started asking me all these questions, what made me board his rick? what is my Sunday's plan? Then finally where I work & what kind of work I do... The moment I told him I'm an engineer & work this 5days a week job. He stared @My entire attire & quoted "Nice". I'm like only nice? Bitch we engineers deserve more than just nice...

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