
60+ years old Angry Bird

It's been more than 6 months, the last time I saw her was the time we were playing housie. She rarely wins. She yells at those who deserve to be scold, she is always angry at someone, but deep down she is strong, kind & a little bit mischievous but you will never see her smile even if she won @housie. She used to travel 2 hrs every day to get to her workplace but now she is stuck between those 4 walls, she won't even go out for groceries. I miss her so much, I thought I never will. The 60+ year old #AngryBird, Lobo aunty it you.

The weekend bus ride

Sometimes I remember the days when I used to spend an entire weekend by boarding a long route bus which will take me to an unknown destination. After over an hour of glancing through the window when I get down on the last stop, The wandering begins. Soon I realise how life can be beautiful if you get to admire a never visited place before, seeing never seen souls before, clicking never clicked pictures before. After the soul searching I'm back on the bus-stop.

She always wears RED

Sometimes when I look back at the old times, I realise that I used to spend around 30 minutes of the day waiting for her, 5 days a week. She always wears red, you may think about why red? Why not green like leaves or blue like the sky. The reason is so simple she wants to gather all the eyeballs who waits on the bus stand every day so she can take them to their particular workspace. Wait, that's not the reason she is painted that way... #MissingAllTheWaiting

Quarantine Chores

Every day I wake up to the fact that we are all locked down, not supposed to wander around, but still there is a little kid inside me who tells my mind every day to wash my bicycle so the moment we get a chance to leave our house we can go out for a long ride around the neighbourhood just to feel like a parrot who finally made his way out of that smelly Cage. So every day I wash my bicycle which gives me hope there is still a chance that I'll be free from the cage & then there's no turning back. Till then I wash my bicycle & Ring it's bell & go back to the cage. Do what makes you feel free in this difficult times PS: at least you have a cage

The Thirsty Crow

#TheThirstyCrow every day while working on my laptop I keep a water bottle by my side so that the moment I get thirsty I can take a gulp. Today I got so bored so I took a glance through my window, I found a crow jumping from one rooftop to another devastated by the heat in search of water. I felt so helpless when I saw him jumping on roofs because I just finished my water bottle when I took that last sip then I started to wonder if I were A crow I will be fully dependent om human right mostly when they waste the water or when they purposefully keep a bowl of water aside then this obvious thought entered my mind. What kind of Hooman are you Tushar? The one who writes this down 😂

I Fool Myself

Every day I go to sleep imagining that when I woke up, everything is sorted out some philanthropist found the cure for COVID-19 (the world is now a happy place). Soon I will be able to get back to my routine, I get to go out of my house very often without any hesitation just because I heard that #SubahKaSapnaSachHotaHai. But fun fact is that I imagine it so well that I found myself awake at 3 am in the morning & finally I fell asleep just to wake up hours later with this drool dripping out my mouth & I realise that I don't have a dream last night I was so devasted by my imagination my subconscious forget the whole motive. Every day I go to sleep in order to unfold tomorrow's enigma. #IfoolMyself

We are on a BREAK!

Today she walked right in front of me those dazzling eyes, that catwalk she looked straight into my eyes I thought she was into me but soon I made up my mind. I'm like no I'm not falling for you again, last time we ended up on a rough patch when you hissed at me REMEMBER?. You may be the prettiest cat in the world but I'm not falling for you again, I want to pet you so bad but I'm not gonna because you know #CoronaScares 😂. PS: Till the time this pandemic ends, we are on a BREAK!!

Regular day @work

So this neighbouring police aunty of mine gets up every day early morning do her morning chores, get ready for work unlike most of us, Once she reaches the bus stop she waits alone on the stand with her ID card in her hand. Once she boards the bus she gets to choose her seat as there are merely 3 passengers in that empty bus swooshing on those deserted streets. Finally, she reaches her workplace finish off her work as soon as possible leaves early (Only a Mask is what saved her from the virus). While everyone is loving the flexibility to work from home, We may think being a part of essential services is a curse but for her, it's just a regular day @work.

House Arrest

#QuarantinedThaughts 1. Getting work from home is the best thing 2. House is stuffed with groceries 3. Hope my sanitizer bottle never lasts 4. I get to make a loud noise for 5+ more minutes 5. Being an Introvert finally paid off 6. Wait I haven't seen her in while 7. Why can't I afford an AC? 8. Sleepless nights 9. Is that a Cat, I want to pet her so bad 10. We all are going to die someday, at least we know-how... PS: waiting for that silver lining PPS: wasted more time in washing hands than a smoker loses after every cigarette.

Work From Home

So today she came to my house even though we were expected to stay @home, that devil smile & those juvenile thaughts. When she saw me working on my laptop she asked me this simple q which made my day. She was like "you have been working here for past few days does the work even gets over?? 😟" I'm like girl this work thingy never gets over, work is like elder people's homework just the fact you get paid for this... #QuarantinedStories #CoronaScares

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