
Showing posts from November, 2018

Stolen phone

He is snoozing on a bus ride, his desired stop came he hopped out the bus, soon on the next stop the co-passenger also left, but the random guy who left the bus earlier came back following the bus in an autorickshaw. Just to find his stolen phone 😞 (It's been 15min since then) phone is still unreachable. I think the random guy 2 has it but where is he no one knows 😟, cause he may be thinking how to sell this stolen phone while as this random guy one is worried about buying a new phone.😒

Burst those bubbles

Today way home from the bus stop I saw this 4-year-old kid blowing soap bubbles, he was worried about how long the soap water will last?? But he doesn't know the real fun lies in bursting the soap bubble.        When I pass by him I almost burst half of those bubbles with my fingernails. May that random kid will understand the fun in the game. 🗯💭🗯💭 PS: Kido stop worrying about the soap water to end 🤗

Lady & Lullaby

Today the way home from the bus stop, I was staring in space how empty the sky looks, how that moon is the loneliest person in the sky. But soon I' m heading towards my place I heard that old lullaby. The one with the rhyming words that's when I saw this random lady she was singing an old lullaby to her 4 year old, so that he can fell asleep. So that he can go to his dreamland where he can ride a pony. it's been a while I have seen a mother singing lullaby to her kiddo. #BestMotherOfTheDay 🤗

Importance of an uniform

Today over the bus ride I saw this 2 stupid 19-year-old, the reason I'd called them stupid is they were arguing about their college uniform. About the pink T-shirt & the sky blue trousers, but they don't know the importance of a uniform. A uniform helps the student to get rid of peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. But still, there was a smile on their face & dreams in those eyes.

60-year-old lady

Today I'm in this same old bus again, It's the same old street. I saw this random guy who was selling coconuts this 60-year-old lady was bargaining for the same. But when the bus stopped to pick those random bozo's I saw her running towards the front door of the bus, thanks to the driver who stopped the bus. I was wondering how is she so fit at this age? Maybe because of that coconut πŸ˜‚. but one funny thing I noticed she forgot her change what is the use of bargaining for the same πŸ˜‚

Pubg zombies

Yesterday the way home from the bus stop, this random girl was walking in front of me. Few steps further she stopped, she was hesitating to walk down that path because there were seven zombies️. Those are waiting on the stairway. You people might be wondering where zombies came from that too in Bhandup (It's basically a village). They were pubg zombies 😂.

Thank you mirror

Today I'm again in this autorickshaw, I sat on the left corner seat so that I can enjoy the roadside view but there were two passengers 1 random guy, one gorgeousness (White shirt, long hair, round specs, red lipstick & that pink blush on her cheeks). I wanted to enjoy the roadside view but her charming smile was begging me to stare at her reflection in the side-view mirror 😍. Those ten minutes were the best part of my day, today I fell in love with her reflection in the side-view mirror. PS: no postscript, I'm still thinking about that reflection of hers in the side view mirror. Thank you mirror, thank you red signal.

Trophy wife & her drunkard husband

Today over the way home from music tuition I was walking down the sidewalk, I saw this trophy wife (with fancy clothes, high heels, round glasses, light makeup), but her eyes were filled with disappointment she was arguing with her drunkard husband & his cheat parents. How they got them married & now she is stuck with him & his unwillingness to work. He sat on this huge flowerpot holding both his hand on his head while this gorgeous lady is shouting at him. The teardrops falling out her gracious eyes 😵 showed how disappointed she is from this marriage. But a few steps further I saw this young couple on a bus stop bench taking random selfies.😇


It's sad when you ask your 6-year-old neighbor "what did the teacher teach you today. " & she suddenly replies with a 😒 sad face. I didn't go to the school today. 😐             I was sleeping in my tiny bed the whole day just because of this stupid fever ☹. Missing a school day it's the worst part of the standard one. This is one of the reasons I used to sit alone in practicals & lectures  πŸ˜‡ #MissingVIT 

Meter down

Today on the way over home I sat in his autorickshaw. This Random auto driver behind him waved at me but I ignored him & sat in his autorickshaw. We talked for the whole 10min journey, he told me he used to be a hawker & soon he gathered money in order to buy this autorickshaw.              Now he drives autorickshaw for a living. But when I reached home I saw the meter it was indicating only 16 rupees. I asked him "Brother why your meter is running slow ".  He replied with a sad face ☹. I forgot to put the meter down just because he was arguing with the autorickshaw guy who waved at me. PS : I gave him 23 rupees stating, usually the fare comes to 22 πŸ˜‡

Learning to Ride

Sunday afternoon I was chilling in the front yard. I saw this not so random girl learning bicycle 🚲. She was falling every other minute, but I know she was lying when she told her mother she drive for a complete minute on the other side of the road. She is 8-year-old after all.          But one thing I told her, "you don't drive a bicycle, you ride honey πŸ˜‡". She gave me the prettiest smile. This is crystal, my 8-year-old neighbor. PS: Never lie to your mother πŸ™ˆ, because she knows πŸ˜‚

#MissingVIT #Missing110

So again I'm at Vidyalankar bus stop. On the bus stop, I saw this random girl A was telling her friend (random girl B) how her classmate (random girl C), trying to steal random girl A's Boyfriend by constantly texting him πŸ˜‚. I was waiting for the one10, but in the meantime, I saw this random girl B was paying full attention in the complete story. And I'm here wondering "what does the random girl B has to do with this complete scenario" #BeganiShadimeinAbdullaDiwana Najane kab aayegi ye 110. πŸ™ˆ inh ladkiyonki chikchikse chutkara hai pana. #MissingVIT #Missing110

Hobbies [Marathi]

Today over the bus ride this not so random guy sat beside me. He started asking this random questions out of which 1 question was "why do you remain isolated from people " I told him all my hobbies are productive so I have to spend more time on my hobbies. Plus one imp thing is I grew up as an introvert. So these things are bound to happen.          At the end I asked him "Tuze Chand [Hobbies] kay aahet mitra? " this not so random guy doesn't have an answer now. Mitra tuzya aauyshyat chandac nait tr tuza auyshya auyshya thodac aaahe πŸ˜’ PS: Tutr Nusta Jagtoys ☹

Stolen Compliment

So this friend of mine & I were chilling after classes. Talking about random stuff & all of the sudden she comes out of the classroom, she was wearing the nicest shoes. I told my friend how pretty her shoes are πŸ™‚. Then she came a little bit closer (I'm still staring at her shoes 😌).           So this friend of mine told her how nice her shoes are & she thanked him. Damn he stole my complaint  (She is his friend now πŸ˜’) PS : I'm still staring at those  shoes πŸ‘’ πŸ‘’


At FEPL here is an employee, he is an ordinary guy with ordinary motives. He is always on time, he is workaholic, he is honest, he is good looking. But still there is something different about this fella, He always wears a white shirt and a black pant. When I asked him what's the reason behind this there is no dress code at FEPL. He told me my wife says so πŸ˜’ #HusbandOfTheDay

Paper Bag

So this random girl hoped in the bus today she was carrying a tiny paper bag. I saw her struggling between a bunch of bozo's πŸ˜–.So I offered her my seat. She said "no let it be it's only 2 stops &I'm going to leave anyways" so I told her it's okay if you don't wanna seat, but let your paper bag sit on my lap. So she kept her paper bag on my lap 😌, she bought the ticket &  she left on the very next stop. Gosh, I'm gonna miss her. PS: she was 1 of the prettiest paper bags I have seen so far 😍

Happy Diwali

Today morning on the railway station I was waiting for the local. but in the meanwhile, I was wondering how beautiful the world is πŸ€”, I was paying attention to the birds chirping ☺.          But there was an angry soul on platform no 2 he was yelling at random strangers for no reason, and every other word he uttered is same as the first one (woof). ExπŸ˜…actly I'm talking about this random dog yelling at everyone on the platform ☹ Or is it his way of wishing happy Diwali  πŸ˜‡

Local compartment

Today I'm not in a bus, I'm in Mumbai's lifeline Local train. Today morning I'm on this not so random platform waiting for her, that's when I saw this random 5-year-old begging. I was staring at her how she goes from 1 random guy to another, soon the local came before I board the local compartment  I saw the most beautiful thing, (It's saffron on top 😎, green at the bottom😍 & white in the middle😌) it's our national flag painted on a local compartment πŸ˜‡.              It's way past 15 Aug but the flag is still unaltered. I board the same compartment. Proud to be an Indian.

Piggy pink Pluck

Today over the way home from music tuitions I was looking for an autorickshaw. So this random gal who was walking behind me started a conversation by saying hi, soon we got into talking & this random gal told me she just bought a new guitar, at first she thought it will be easier but as it turned out it's not as easy as she thought.            She asked me how long you have been playing guitar. I told her it's been only 7 years of my life. Earlier it used to be a hobby but now this Granada is a part of me & I'm a part of him πŸ˜‡ PS: She & I sat in the same autorickshaw but she forgot her pluck 😍

Day before Diwali

Today my 6-year-old neighbour & I were drawing in the front yard. She was drawing an ice cream truck & I was making a sketch of her drawing an ice cream truck, while she & I enjoying the dewali vacation this random lady pass by saying hi to annisa.             Annisa told me she is my tuition teacher. This random lady is not so random for me now but the moment she got out of our eyesight, that tiny bulb in her 6-year-old mind blinked; her dewali homework is still pending☹. Once she is done with her Diwali homework she can enjoy the rest of her holidays lighting up the fireworks while wearing those new shiny clothes. PS: Happy Diwali in advance πŸ˜‡


Today morning 7:15 am I sat in an autorickshaw, we were waiting for the third passenger, soon this random 6-year-old gal came but the auto driver asked her to sit beside him in the front seat, but she refused the Reason is obvious her parents raise her well. PS: 5 minutes later I saw this gal rushing her way to to school but she is walking along with her 6-year-old friend πŸ˜‡

Guitar V/S Violin

Yesterday the way home from music tuitions before that random gal & I sat in the same auto this not so random gatekeeper asked me the thing that you are carrying on your back, what instrument it is ☹ is it a violin? He asked me.            When I told him the difference between a guitar & a violin, He thanked me & started telling me his sad story how he used to be a flute seller & end up to be a gatekeeper. He told me people nowadays don't think of music as a hobby it's more of a waste of time. PS: who are this people πŸ˜’


Today she was in front of my door, she wants to come in πŸ˜…. But she can't reach till the doorbell. She also can't knock (I mean she can but there is a tinny tiny possibility that knock won't be loud). It's not because her hands are so damn small it's just because her hands are paws. She is MIMI the cat. So she meowed for a while in front of my door. When I opened that door she was standing on her 2 paws & 2 claws. PS : She is not alone  today Mimi Jr. Is also there knocking on that wooden door 😌

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