#MissingVIT #Missing110
So again I'm at Vidyalankar bus stop. On the bus stop, I saw this random girl A was telling her friend (random girl B) how her classmate (random girl C), trying to steal random girl A's Boyfriend by constantly texting him 😂. I was waiting for the one10, but in the meantime, I saw this random girl B was paying full attention in the complete story. And I'm here wondering "what does the random girl B has to do with this complete scenario"
Najane kab aayegi ye 110. 🙈 inh ladkiyonki chikchikse chutkara hai pana.
#MissingVIT #Missing110
Najane kab aayegi ye 110. 🙈 inh ladkiyonki chikchikse chutkara hai pana.
#MissingVIT #Missing110