
Showing posts from 2019


Today had an encounter with this random 40yr-old auto driver, he initiated the conversation by saying "you are my last passenger for today". Bam 5minutes later we were swapping life stories, he told me he stays @Thane but just because His autorickshaw belongs in Mumbai he had to drive around in Mumbai. Told me Saturdays are worst for autowalas, I'm like what bout Sunday's. Sunday I took a day off & spend time with fam he said, I'm only human after all...

The irregular Video call

Well, this bus ride is way to long man, Now I saw a 22-yr- old video calling with his loved one. But this video call isn't a regular one where you talk with your loved ones so that they can see you as well as hear what you say. So this deaf guy was video calling his mother they were talking in sign language, he was telling his mother that he is about to reach his workplace. He may be the happiest soul I saw today morning, I was wondering how a deaf guy communicates so well while sometimes I struggle to make a point. #IntrovertStruggles

Powerpuff girl !!

Today over the bus ride I saw her, she's just another 30yr-old lady. She looks so energetic, I saw her working hard till the entire bus ride. I heard her yelling at a bunch of bozos too. She was killing it in that khaki uniform of hers plus she was having a good hair day... Well, that's the perks of boarding an irregular bus for a regular route. PS: She is a kind of Powerpuff girl we all need rn. # womeninkhaki


So today this bozo sat in an autorickshaw, the moment I got in his rick he started asking me all these questions, what made me board his rick? what is my Sunday's plan? Then finally where I work & what kind of work I do... The moment I told him I'm an engineer & work this 5days a week job. He stared @My entire attire & quoted "Nice". I'm like only nice? Bitch we engineers deserve more than just nice...

The group picture

Today on the Railway stn this bunch of folks asked me to capture a group picture, they handed me the cellphone having the highest resolution among them. I was so excited to click those bunch of pictures just because everybody in the group was wearing khaki, I didn't even ask them to smile cuz they are always smiling while they are @work "Mumbai Police". PS: I made sure that their entire attire fits in one frame 📸


Today way over home from the bus stop, I saw her. She is just another random girl who is talking on the phone, wishing Happy Dussehra to each & everyone she knows but one thing I noticed she told everyone that she is calling from her brand new iPhone11, which she managed to buy Today on the joyous occasion of Dussehra... PS: She is the happiest soul I saw today.

2nd October story

Yesterday she called, just another random girl sitting in front of a monitor with her handsfree on tryna sell me a holiday package stating who doesn't like holidays sir?? I'm like miss I'm Already chilling @my paradise on a holiday because its 2nd Oct & you @your workplace tryna sell me a holiday package. Look who's talking 😆 She had a soothing voice though... PS: that's how millennials peak @2nd oct (as a holiday)

100Rs change

Today over the bus ride I saw him, just another random guy who gave the conductor a 100Rs note & asked for a ticket whose fair equals 5Rs. When the conductor asked for the change this fella nodded no, the conductor asked him to wait for a few stops... Two stops later this Bozo took out a 5Rs coin & told the conductor that the coin was hidden somewhere in his backpack. When the conductor handed him the ticket he also gave him the Smug face... PS: it's all about the change 😅, sometimes you need it sometimes you don't.


Today over the bus ride I overheard his conversation over the phone, he is just another random guy who is going home after a long day at work. He was telling his colleague to be on time the next day, today he got stranded in the workplace & bound to do a double shift so tomorrow he can take leave & take a Chill Pill. He may be the happiest soul I saw today, the reason is so silly he may not have to deal with heavy rains tomorrow. PS: oh rain tum kal aana 🙃

Flight mode

Today this random guy sat beside me, he asked me what is this Airplane mode on my smartphone. When I told him about the Airplane mode, he told me how back in the '90s he used to travel in flights from Mumbai to Dubai & vice versa, when there were no smartphones & hence no Flight mode. Nowadays life has become so complicated that even our phones come with different modes when I asked him what was the instructions they used to give back in the 90s, he told me they used to tell us to switch off your phones just because On & Off were the only two modes 😅.

Rain & Mud

Today over the bus ride I saw this random guy who was complaining about the mud which ruined his branded shoes, he was so angry because the entire day he has to keep wearing those shoes. But earlier I overheard him praising the Rains, I'm like dude If you pray for the rain you gotta deal with the mud 😇.

The one in the yellow ?

Today on the bus stop this random girl came up to me & she asked me can I get a bus for Powai from here? I pointed at this yellow bus & asked her to get in which will take her to Powai, she still looks hesitated . She confirmed "the one in the yellow? ". I confirmed again & asked her to opt for the same, she is still hesitating to get in. PS: Maybe she's not fond of yellow.


Today I'm 24 years 0 months 8 days old, I tried softy ice cream for the first time. It came in 3 flavours chocolate, vanilla & mix. The mix isn't a flavour it's just half chocolate half vanilla. Since I'm trying this ice cream for the first time I pick the Mix 1, so I can test a fair amount of both flavours 🍦. So, softy is a kind of ice cream, when  I took the first lick ample amount of ice cream came in my mouth but soon as I test chocolate or vanilla it melted within a fraction of seconds. It cost me 20Rs, I wasted all that money on this piece of shit what's the point of ice cream if it melts in your mouth soon as you take a lick & fish it's gone 🤦‍♂

Waiting for the School bus

Today over the bus ride I saw these bunch of 5-year-old kids waiting for their school bus, they were laughing & talking. But this one kid he wasn't in one of those who makes the chaos he was away from his schoolmates in this unattended autorickshaw pretending to drive while his mate was hanging out the door. Going to the school in a school bus may be the best part of their day, Unlike the millennials & the elderly. PS: they were the happiest soul I saw today morning.

Slashed bus fare

It's a regular rainy day (puddles everywhere), same traffic, same co-passengers. I took a bus ride to the workplace, but something is new which makes every bozo in this bus smile . it's the slashed ticket fare, from today onwards BEST decides to slash the prices so every passenger can save up to 20 rupees per day. So I asked this co-passenger of mine what you gonna do with that extra 20 rupees old man? What he said made my day, He said my corporates canteen serves this delicious Vada Pav you see 

When your colleague calls.

It's a regular monsoon day, everybody is headed to their respective workplace. Soon most of em started receiving calls from their colleagues who told them today is a holiday because Mumbai is about to witness heavy rains. I saw this random 26-year-old gal getting so excited, her face is glowing & the reason is obvious. All I was thinking back in her school days she may be one of those kids who wait an entire year for the rainy season, just because there is a possibility of skipping a school day. For rest of those who didn't receive any such call stop daydreaming & work hard for monies 😇


Today Mumbai witnessed heavy rains, everybody on this bus stop was worried about the arrival of the bus. Soon she came flooded with passengers, few made their way in few waited for the next one. I was one of those who got on the bus where there was barely any place to stand. Soon after this guy got in with a big bag, he looks more worried than everybody else's. Finally, the time has arrived to deboard the bus, he was standing next to me I asked him the reason. Is rain bothering you? No, he replied. He said I'm worried about the mangos in my backpack 😟.

Yesterday was world music day.

How do a guitarist feels on world music day: he wakes up not knowing about the day,then he mumbles while taking a bath, then time for tee & tv where he watches fav cartoon, he mumbles while he pee, after the morning chores he gets to work observe tiny little things in commute, thinks about his mistakes in the recent past, then he thinks about repairing his broken 6-string, then comes work, during lunch he thinks about weight loss, again some girls, by midday he finds out about the essence of the day then he tries to convince himself every day is a world's music day, then he realises the last time he touched his guitar, once he is out of the office thinks about the cats rest of d day 😹

The extra Handkerchief

Today over the bus ride I got into this empty bus barely 10 people, saw this conductor middle-aged guy looks kind of rude though. 20 minutes pass by now the time is to deboard the bus. I get to the back door saw this broken pies of backdoor hanging on the back door, seemed dangerous to me that's when I grabbed his attention towards that broken piece. Firstly I thought he was going to neglect me then he surprised me with his kindness, all he did is he took out the handkerchief & tied that broken piece in the sense it won't fall & hurt anybody 😇. Ps: he was carrying an extra Handkerchief ☔

First Rain 2019

Today is just a regular day, but still, everybody was rushing their way home soon as they saw those dark clouds. Everybody knew it was going to rain, finally, the clouds decided to cry. All those teardrops of heaven fall on the ground, some drops were shattered like a glass when that 4yr old kid took his arm out of his window to feel the touch of the rain, some made their way to ground some still trying hard to reach the ground. #FirstRain Story End.

KabootarKhan @Dadar

Today at KabootarKhana @Dadar I saw him he is just another random guy in his mid 30's, he looks amazingly calm just because he was feeding the pigeons. I'm like he must be living his life with no regrets, you have to be so happy to feed the pigeons. think of it like this once he reaches home & his wife asks where was he on a non-working day & he replies "I was out there feeding the pigeons." I don't think his wife will believe that her husband was out there feeding the pigeons. * if you know what I mean * . 😂

Men at Work !

Today over the bus ride I saw this sign on one of the metro construction, the sign simply reads "Men at work!". The sign got me thinking if there exist men at work sign there must be a feminine sign for that too, I never saw one 😬. I guess there isn't any such sign & if there is it will read "Women are gossiping!". I guess the feminine sign is more descriptive than the Men at work sign. If I see such sign Ill be more than happy, just because my prediction became true.


Today over the bus ride way home I saw this four pokemon's, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, I was trying to figure out the name of the fourth one but I wasn't able to. These four Pokemone starings at every1. But the whole ride I tried to figure out the name, it took me back to my childhood to the time where Pokemon is used to be the favourite of all kids. I used to rush home after school so I won't miss the episode, I always wanted a Charmander not because his abilities just because I knew when he grew up he'll become a Charizard. Dream to be a Charizard not a Chowkidar  😂

Conductor who?

An ideal empty bus is when there is nobody, but when it comes to these Mumbai BEST buses we can say that an ideal empty bus is when there are no standees, the only guy standing is this workaholic guy the Conductor (Master) . He works so hard he barely gets to sit, I was wondering how can someone be passionate about his job even in this burning heat, he tries to be polite all the time. Then I realised the mantra of his happiness is this bus that he gets to ride as part of his job. PS: he is the happiest soul I saw today

Powai lake

Today over the bus ride this random girl sat beside me, it was a whole 40min ride. So about this girl, I don't know her but I can tell she was so bored today because the whole ride she called around 5 peeps she talked with everybody for around 5 min each. 20 min later she cut that call to stare at the Powai lake, those 10 min are the best part of the day when your bus passes by the Powai lake. But the lake is out of her eyesight now she again picked up her cell began another conversation, the whole ride I was pretending to stare out the window but meanwhile, I was hearing her conversations which made her laugh & me too. I wish she was not random for me because I wanted to be on the other end.

Green helmet

Today over the bus ride I saw him, he is just another random guy on his bike riding to his workplace. But the weird thing is he was wearing this green helmet, helmet wasn't green in color the helmet was taped with green coloured tape 😅. I was wondering why did he find a need to wear that helmet? Then I saw this lady who is in her mid twenty's with her kid riding on a scooter. Her hair was so long the air flows through her hair which makes her more pretty, I was mesmerized by her beauty but soon after she rode off my eighsite all I think about is she wasn't wearing any helmet.👩 PS: beauty will fade someday.

Ugly Bus

Today over the bus ride I saw her, she is this undeniably pretty girl. The moment she got on the bus she looked confused. She is worried whether this bus goes to her desired location or not, she needs her query resolved asap. Finally, she gathered all the courage & asked the conductor. When the conductor asked her to deboard the bus, she felt trolled for no obvious reason. Somebody gave her the wrong directions, on the very next stop she deboarded the bus, the bus seems ugly & empty now just because she took away all the pretty with her. PS: She is the prettiest soul I saw today.

Can I borrow your newspaper

How to start a conversation with your co-passenger if he/she is reading something. You start by saying can I take a look at that for a couple of minutes, try to read & grasp the same page he/she is reading. pick out a particular topic & ask his/her opinion for the same. If both of your opinions match, a few minutes later you will be having a decent conversation. If they don't both of you will be arguing on the same thing.

Mumbai & Marathi

Today over the bus ride I sat in this empty bus, soon after 15min all the seats are full, standees are also there. 20min later this bus is so full that there are people hanging by the door, this random guy board the bus & asked the passengers to scooch to the front end, but not a single bozo chose to do the same. This random guy got so angry he was yelling at everyone in Marathi, but one thing he said hurt everyone all he said is "if you are in Mumbai & you don't understand Marathi or just pretend you don't, you people are not humans 😒 "

When you visit a pottery

Today over the bus ride I saw this pottery, I hopped out the bus on the very next stop. When I entered the pottery there were flower plants, next to the flower pots it was a big place all the pottery work is done in the same place. By those two fellas, there is verity of pots with verity in size & colour. The visit to this pottery was awesome, this random lady came after me looking for a red pot the moment she entered she started bargaining (things Mumbaikar do...). Hope she finds the perfect pot of her choice.

Devasted by the heat

So today over the train ride I sat on the window seat, the train moves in 13min, two min later this random 45yr-old lady board the men's compartment. She thought the train is about to leave so she boards the compartment which she first saw. Then she relaxed for a bit, she seems devasted by the heat. She asked me, how much time this train will take to move. Ten minutes I uttered. So she took a deep breath & told me I can make it to the ladies compartment, then she went... Story end. 😅

Things conductor do

What normal people do when they see their friend in commute, usually they go up to him/her & talk for a bit or just a long time no see smile. But this guy is different if he sees somebody he knew in commute he doesn't usually get a chance to go up to the person & have a small talk. The reason is he is working because he is just another conductor who just waves & smiles 🙂 at familiar faces. PS: This is what conductors do...

Fake bibliophile

Today over the train ride way home I saw her she is just another random girl, reading a book she was on page 10 with that bookmark in the middle. Yogananda was the book's name, a few minutes later again I saw her she is on page 16. That book didn't even have any pictures to entertain. Time pass by I'm about to deboard the train, that's when I noticed she is on page no. 55 (is she reading 5 pages/minute) or the book is so boring that she skipped most of the paragraphs.  PS: wait I think she is just pretending to read 😅

Fake superiority

So yesterday morning I board this bus, the moment I hopped in I did the most obvious thing everybody does finding a seat. It's a difficult task in peak hours but I found one, on the back seat 6 people can sit comfortably. But this random 26 year old was hogging that seat for no reason, I asked him to scooch over. Again I asked him to make some room, he gave me this weird look. That's when the bus took this big right turn. The room is now bigger than earlier. finally, I rest my butt the whole 1 hr I spend sitting beside him the look on his face never faded. Maybe he thought he was superior to every1 else 😟

What is Inheritance ?

Today while reading interview question I read this funny answer to what is inheritance? Somebody answered: It is the easiest way to become rich. My verdict: it goes either way though. PS: nobody asked in Java 😅

How old is she

So today over the way home I sat in his auto. His auto has electric guitar logos on both sides of the seat, I'm like out of all those superhero, animal logos why did you choose a guitar logo to sew it in your auto by the side of the seat. He said, My daughter, pick those guitar logos for the auto. She has this weird obsession towards guitarist (he looks worried about her though ), Now all I think about is "how old is she 😅"

Quality pictures

So this friend of mine sat beside me, he is thinking of buying a 60k worth of mobile phone just because of the big pixel camera. I'm clueless that's like your 6 months salary, why you are spending so much money to buy A costly phone. To click quality pictures he said. You come from a middle-class family I say, you are poor you told me I remember 💁‍ so why to buy a 60k worth of phone, my friend? I want to capture my poverty in High definition he said 😅

Things to do in Mumbai #1

So this co-passenger asked me what is the best place in Mumbai that I must visit before going to hometown, have you visited Juhu beach? I say, yes he told me the view of the sunset was unforgettable 😇. Have you travelled in a crowded local train? His answer was no, I'm like the beauty of Mumbai resides in the crowd & those unforgettable characters you encounter during the commute. Mumbai's public transport may not be the best (mar jayegare tu) but the umforgateble characters you meet in commute will make your day & probably give you a life lesson 🚌. PS: and you can revisit juhu & taste gollgappa also. (Which is my personal favourite) #myMumbai

I declined

14th Feb 2019 = I sat for LTI pool campus drive & cleared the aptitude & the technical round. 15th Feb 2019 = I appeared for the HR round. The interview went very well. 18the Feb 2019 = I get a mail stating, Dear Tushar Lokare, Congratulations !!! You have been selected to be a part of LTI 19th Feb = I get a call from the HR person regarding the job offer, I asked the HR person is there any chance you can put me in Software Development 😅, all she said is no. 21st Feb 2019 = I declined the job offer.(worth 3.18 LPA) Hi, This is about Declining the offer letter.  I'm rejecting the offer for IMS BU at LTI because, I always wanted to be part of the Software Development team.If there any requirement for Software Development team please let me know. Thanks and regards Tushar Lokare PS: I cried myself to sleep that night 😂

ModiJee & his broom

Yesterday over the bus ride way home he sat beside me, just another random guy who is sharing his vast knowledge about the Swach Bharat Abhiyan initiated by our PM, few stopped pass by I thought he is a ModiJee Follower then the time has come and those chips in the packet finished now what he is going to do with the wrapper obviously he is going to put it in his backpack 😇, no he widen his arm & threw that packet outside the window, I thought you were a modi follower I say but no, I think all ModiJee followers think Modijee is the only one who takes a broom in his hand & whenever his follower throw a wrapper Bam! ModiJee comes out of nowhere with his broom 😀

Only 70k

Today over the train ride way home this random guy board the compartment (he is sad for sure) it's been only 5min all I noticed is sadness 😞.more 5min past now he wants to make a call he politely asked me can I make a call from your mobile. When the call is connected all he said was "mom my phone got stolen an hour ago I will be home by 7" it all happened at Thane 😟. Oh, now I know why he was sad the whole ride when I asked him how much do that phone cost, he told me only 70k. Now I'm sad too 😂 PS: he said only before 70k

What Is L.O.V.E Anyway?

Many a dictionary defines Love as a strong feeling that you have when you like somebody/something very much. Love can be a strong feeling of interest in some particular thing (we call it passion), Love can be a strong desire for something (when a kid wants a toy), Love can be a strong attachment towards someone (like a mother loves her children), Love can be towards a particular season (like I love the rainy season) obviously because of the downpour. Love can be towards a particular activity (like I love cooking), Love can be towards your pet (like I love my kitty so much) Let's just summarize what is Love anyway? "Love is just a four-letter word & its meaning changes with individual’s perspective."

Cheap thrills

Today while grocery shopping at the nearest d-mart I saw this sophisticated 26-year-old shoplifting, I thought why a sophisticated lady likes to shoplift maybe shoplifting gives her chills 🤨. Then that weird thought entered my mind maybe I shoplift something too I looked around and my eyes landed upon those sunglasses I thought of shoplifting those glasses, then I realised what if I shoplift those glasses for cheap thrills & every time I wore those my mind will always say you didn't buy these, you thief you thief 😂. Then I have to make amends for this, to whom am I going to make amends? hence I tried those on & kept again on the rack. PS: I love cheap thrills.

Ache din

So today over the bus ride way home, she sat beside me she is just another movie freak like I am. She is a fan of Marvel & I'm a fan of black comedy, so this is how the argument begins she asked me why do you go to a theatre to watch comedy because it's just comedy likewise I go to a theatre for marvel movies because fiction seems fabulous on a wide screen. I told her I used to be a fan of fiction, but when you see fiction on a daily basis you get really bored of it. Daily basis how?  she asked me, I'm like "Ache Din 😌" that's fiction right 😂 then she laughed, now she is a fan of comedy 🙉


Today @kgaf20 I saw a group of deaf people, they were clicking pictures of the fine arts individually, but now the time has come to click a group photo now they are asking everybody to click a group photo (by using sign language). Most people ignored them because they were to busy clicking a selfie of their own, finally they turned to me I was there the whole time they handed me a camera I took like 5 picture just for the sake of perfection. That's me & my photographic skill. PS: This year's kgaf20 is La(al)vishing.

Blue bag

Today somebody forgot a blue bag in a railway compartment, how do I know? Because a policeman came looking for that blue bag, he goes by asking one passenger to another does this bag belongs to you sir/mam. Finally, he found an unattended blue bag when he asked this bag belongs to whom? Nobody answered he was in relief that he finally found the bag he was looking for (he is about to take the bag down).                That's when we heard the sound "this bag belongs to me policeman." this random guy was sleeping the whole ride 😅. The policeman got angry at him first, but then he deboards the compartment & board the adjoining one. PS: what if it is just a fake call 😂

How's the josh

Today over the way home this 4 random 20-year-old kids stood beside me, they were wearing a black jersey with "how's the josh" printed on the front, & a mechanical logo with nut-bolts near the upper left where their heart resides. They were flaunting the jersey the whole ride, I'm like wait  bitches till the placement season 😂.           One fine day a multinational company will pick you & put you in front of a PC & one thing you forgot to put on the jersey is a "??” sign 😟 PS: The josh is always high sir 🔥

Happy 27th January

Today over the way home I sat in this auto-rickshaw, it's 9 pm. It's dark out there, this auto rickshaw doesn't even have a neon light, I'm thinking the beauty of auto rickshaw lies in the neon light. I was thinking this auto rickshaw basically sucks then my eyes landed upon the national flag that is waving in front of the driver. This is a perfect example of why we should not judge a book by its cover. Happy 27th January everybody 😂 PS: Tushar you suck 🐒

If not engineering then what?

Somebody asked me today, do you think you took the wrong step when you decided to be an engineer? I slept wondering what if I wasn't an engineer what else I could be 😟 Doctor= no, too much to study 😣 Singer= no, I sound like a drunkard Songwriter= no, I can't even rhyme Photographer= no, you have to go places & I hate to travel Writer= no, I being from a vernacular medium my vocabulary is also poor Then I realised engineering is one of the reputed professions in the world & all engineering demands from you is patience 😤 (7 years I studied to become an engineer ) PS: I'm an Engineer by choice 🎓

Monkey cap

Today in one of this Mumbai locals I sat on the 4th seat, the random guy seating across of me saw something under my seat. Soon this beggar lady came with her 3-year-old child. She came closer & closer, finally, she is here now she wants a rupee or so. So this random guy seating across of me handover her a monkey cap. Where did you get that cap I asked him (earlier your hands were empty). He told me that monkey cap was down under your seat. 🐵

Where does the vote go?

Today the way home from the bus stop I heard this weird thing, its related to 2019 elections. They gonna put a new machine beside the voting machine which will tell us to which candidate the vote exactly went 😅 It's like telling everyone where the poop goes obviously in the sewer 😅 PS: Kaho dilse modiJi firse 😏

Decorative light

Today I sat in his autorickshaw, he is just another 30-year-old father who drives an auto for a living. When I sat in his autorickshaw my eyes were hooked on that decorative light, when I asked him to turn it on I was mesmerized by its colours. He told me he got that light installed for his 5-year-old kid, his kid has fond of decorative lights. By the night he studies under that decorative light 😇 PS: He may be the luckiest kid 🤗

Way to Santacruise station

I'm in Irla on the left is vile parle stn & on the right is Andheri Stn. So I'm walking on the side of the road few steps further from the sidewalk that's when I heard his voice "friend", when I turn my head on the sidewalk there is a 30year old foreigner with his wife & a 5-year-old child. First I was surprised when I heard his accent "way to Santacruise stn ?" I pointed in the right direction. He gave me a thumbs up 👍. I was happy to see a foreigner, how they come from their motherland to admire the beauty of Indian Culture 😇.

5 Rs coin

Today at kanjurMarg stn I saw her she is just another random lady 40-year-old maybe, she was wearing a nice sari, she was carrying a costly handbag but when she came to me she asked me to lend her 5 Rs coin, I was wondering why would a sophisticated lady like her asked me for a 5 Rs coin 🤨 but I was in a hurry to board the local so I did not lend her any money, but when she saw me rushing towards the local she turned to this another women asking for a 5 Rs coin. But the whole ride I was worried about her, did or did not anybody lend her a 5 Rs coin 😟

Dog of Shiba breed

Today way over home from the bus stop I saw this random dog of Shiba breed 🐩. He was out there in the dark with his guardian, but the thing I noticed about him made my day, he wasn't wandering in the dark he was playing with some non-shiba (🐕) friends. There was no breed discrimination if that is a real thing . Let's consider those other 2 dogs are of Kasab🔫 breed.             May their friendship last long a 100 dog years 😅 That's logically & physically incorrect but still 😎


Today I laughed like crazy, today on the bus stop I saw 4-year-old twins, they were fighting over a lollipop, they asked me to unwrap it. But when I did, I was in a huge dilemma (to whom should I give).             Finally, I made up my mind & hand it over to the girl, but she & her Brother started fighting again 😂. This story continues until the bus came when I board the bus. I turned around, that unwrapped lollipop was lying on the ground. PS: nobody gets that lollipop now 😂😂

Happy new year

Today over the way home I saw this random couple, they were in the adjoining compartment. I was about to hop out the local that's when he saw me (he wanted to flaunt how pretty his partner is) so he wrapped his arm around her neck & gave her a headlock. They were the happiest couple I saw today 🤗. I saw him smiling but what about that girl, the thing I saw on her face that wasn't a smile nor a disappointment. I smiled at them for no reason 😇 May my smile brings a smile on her face. PS: HNY 👻 to that random girl.

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