
Showing posts from January, 2019

Happy 27th January

Today over the way home I sat in this auto-rickshaw, it's 9 pm. It's dark out there, this auto rickshaw doesn't even have a neon light, I'm thinking the beauty of auto rickshaw lies in the neon light. I was thinking this auto rickshaw basically sucks then my eyes landed upon the national flag that is waving in front of the driver. This is a perfect example of why we should not judge a book by its cover. Happy 27th January everybody 😂 PS: Tushar you suck 🐒

If not engineering then what?

Somebody asked me today, do you think you took the wrong step when you decided to be an engineer? I slept wondering what if I wasn't an engineer what else I could be 😟 Doctor= no, too much to study 😣 Singer= no, I sound like a drunkard Songwriter= no, I can't even rhyme Photographer= no, you have to go places & I hate to travel Writer= no, I being from a vernacular medium my vocabulary is also poor Then I realised engineering is one of the reputed professions in the world & all engineering demands from you is patience 😤 (7 years I studied to become an engineer ) PS: I'm an Engineer by choice 🎓

Monkey cap

Today in one of this Mumbai locals I sat on the 4th seat, the random guy seating across of me saw something under my seat. Soon this beggar lady came with her 3-year-old child. She came closer & closer, finally, she is here now she wants a rupee or so. So this random guy seating across of me handover her a monkey cap. Where did you get that cap I asked him (earlier your hands were empty). He told me that monkey cap was down under your seat. 🐵

Where does the vote go?

Today the way home from the bus stop I heard this weird thing, its related to 2019 elections. They gonna put a new machine beside the voting machine which will tell us to which candidate the vote exactly went 😅 It's like telling everyone where the poop goes obviously in the sewer 😅 PS: Kaho dilse modiJi firse 😏

Decorative light

Today I sat in his autorickshaw, he is just another 30-year-old father who drives an auto for a living. When I sat in his autorickshaw my eyes were hooked on that decorative light, when I asked him to turn it on I was mesmerized by its colours. He told me he got that light installed for his 5-year-old kid, his kid has fond of decorative lights. By the night he studies under that decorative light 😇 PS: He may be the luckiest kid 🤗

Way to Santacruise station

I'm in Irla on the left is vile parle stn & on the right is Andheri Stn. So I'm walking on the side of the road few steps further from the sidewalk that's when I heard his voice "friend", when I turn my head on the sidewalk there is a 30year old foreigner with his wife & a 5-year-old child. First I was surprised when I heard his accent "way to Santacruise stn ?" I pointed in the right direction. He gave me a thumbs up 👍. I was happy to see a foreigner, how they come from their motherland to admire the beauty of Indian Culture 😇.

5 Rs coin

Today at kanjurMarg stn I saw her she is just another random lady 40-year-old maybe, she was wearing a nice sari, she was carrying a costly handbag but when she came to me she asked me to lend her 5 Rs coin, I was wondering why would a sophisticated lady like her asked me for a 5 Rs coin 🤨 but I was in a hurry to board the local so I did not lend her any money, but when she saw me rushing towards the local she turned to this another women asking for a 5 Rs coin. But the whole ride I was worried about her, did or did not anybody lend her a 5 Rs coin 😟

Dog of Shiba breed

Today way over home from the bus stop I saw this random dog of Shiba breed 🐩. He was out there in the dark with his guardian, but the thing I noticed about him made my day, he wasn't wandering in the dark he was playing with some non-shiba (🐕) friends. There was no breed discrimination if that is a real thing . Let's consider those other 2 dogs are of Kasab🔫 breed.             May their friendship last long a 100 dog years 😅 That's logically & physically incorrect but still 😎


Today I laughed like crazy, today on the bus stop I saw 4-year-old twins, they were fighting over a lollipop, they asked me to unwrap it. But when I did, I was in a huge dilemma (to whom should I give).             Finally, I made up my mind & hand it over to the girl, but she & her Brother started fighting again 😂. This story continues until the bus came when I board the bus. I turned around, that unwrapped lollipop was lying on the ground. PS: nobody gets that lollipop now 😂😂

Happy new year

Today over the way home I saw this random couple, they were in the adjoining compartment. I was about to hop out the local that's when he saw me (he wanted to flaunt how pretty his partner is) so he wrapped his arm around her neck & gave her a headlock. They were the happiest couple I saw today 🤗. I saw him smiling but what about that girl, the thing I saw on her face that wasn't a smile nor a disappointment. I smiled at them for no reason 😇 May my smile brings a smile on her face. PS: HNY 👻 to that random girl.

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