
Showing posts from February, 2019

Things to do in Mumbai #1

So this co-passenger asked me what is the best place in Mumbai that I must visit before going to hometown, have you visited Juhu beach? I say, yes he told me the view of the sunset was unforgettable 😇. Have you travelled in a crowded local train? His answer was no, I'm like the beauty of Mumbai resides in the crowd & those unforgettable characters you encounter during the commute. Mumbai's public transport may not be the best (mar jayegare tu) but the umforgateble characters you meet in commute will make your day & probably give you a life lesson 🚌. PS: and you can revisit juhu & taste gollgappa also. (Which is my personal favourite) #myMumbai

I declined

14th Feb 2019 = I sat for LTI pool campus drive & cleared the aptitude & the technical round. 15th Feb 2019 = I appeared for the HR round. The interview went very well. 18the Feb 2019 = I get a mail stating, Dear Tushar Lokare, Congratulations !!! You have been selected to be a part of LTI 19th Feb = I get a call from the HR person regarding the job offer, I asked the HR person is there any chance you can put me in Software Development 😅, all she said is no. 21st Feb 2019 = I declined the job offer.(worth 3.18 LPA) Hi, This is about Declining the offer letter.  I'm rejecting the offer for IMS BU at LTI because, I always wanted to be part of the Software Development team.If there any requirement for Software Development team please let me know. Thanks and regards Tushar Lokare PS: I cried myself to sleep that night 😂

ModiJee & his broom

Yesterday over the bus ride way home he sat beside me, just another random guy who is sharing his vast knowledge about the Swach Bharat Abhiyan initiated by our PM, few stopped pass by I thought he is a ModiJee Follower then the time has come and those chips in the packet finished now what he is going to do with the wrapper obviously he is going to put it in his backpack 😇, no he widen his arm & threw that packet outside the window, I thought you were a modi follower I say but no, I think all ModiJee followers think Modijee is the only one who takes a broom in his hand & whenever his follower throw a wrapper Bam! ModiJee comes out of nowhere with his broom 😀

Only 70k

Today over the train ride way home this random guy board the compartment (he is sad for sure) it's been only 5min all I noticed is sadness 😞.more 5min past now he wants to make a call he politely asked me can I make a call from your mobile. When the call is connected all he said was "mom my phone got stolen an hour ago I will be home by 7" it all happened at Thane 😟. Oh, now I know why he was sad the whole ride when I asked him how much do that phone cost, he told me only 70k. Now I'm sad too 😂 PS: he said only before 70k

What Is L.O.V.E Anyway?

Many a dictionary defines Love as a strong feeling that you have when you like somebody/something very much. Love can be a strong feeling of interest in some particular thing (we call it passion), Love can be a strong desire for something (when a kid wants a toy), Love can be a strong attachment towards someone (like a mother loves her children), Love can be towards a particular season (like I love the rainy season) obviously because of the downpour. Love can be towards a particular activity (like I love cooking), Love can be towards your pet (like I love my kitty so much) Let's just summarize what is Love anyway? "Love is just a four-letter word & its meaning changes with individual’s perspective."

Cheap thrills

Today while grocery shopping at the nearest d-mart I saw this sophisticated 26-year-old shoplifting, I thought why a sophisticated lady likes to shoplift maybe shoplifting gives her chills 🤨. Then that weird thought entered my mind maybe I shoplift something too I looked around and my eyes landed upon those sunglasses I thought of shoplifting those glasses, then I realised what if I shoplift those glasses for cheap thrills & every time I wore those my mind will always say you didn't buy these, you thief you thief 😂. Then I have to make amends for this, to whom am I going to make amends? hence I tried those on & kept again on the rack. PS: I love cheap thrills.

Ache din

So today over the bus ride way home, she sat beside me she is just another movie freak like I am. She is a fan of Marvel & I'm a fan of black comedy, so this is how the argument begins she asked me why do you go to a theatre to watch comedy because it's just comedy likewise I go to a theatre for marvel movies because fiction seems fabulous on a wide screen. I told her I used to be a fan of fiction, but when you see fiction on a daily basis you get really bored of it. Daily basis how?  she asked me, I'm like "Ache Din 😌" that's fiction right 😂 then she laughed, now she is a fan of comedy 🙉


Today @kgaf20 I saw a group of deaf people, they were clicking pictures of the fine arts individually, but now the time has come to click a group photo now they are asking everybody to click a group photo (by using sign language). Most people ignored them because they were to busy clicking a selfie of their own, finally they turned to me I was there the whole time they handed me a camera I took like 5 picture just for the sake of perfection. That's me & my photographic skill. PS: This year's kgaf20 is La(al)vishing.

Blue bag

Today somebody forgot a blue bag in a railway compartment, how do I know? Because a policeman came looking for that blue bag, he goes by asking one passenger to another does this bag belongs to you sir/mam. Finally, he found an unattended blue bag when he asked this bag belongs to whom? Nobody answered he was in relief that he finally found the bag he was looking for (he is about to take the bag down).                That's when we heard the sound "this bag belongs to me policeman." this random guy was sleeping the whole ride 😅. The policeman got angry at him first, but then he deboards the compartment & board the adjoining one. PS: what if it is just a fake call 😂

How's the josh

Today over the way home this 4 random 20-year-old kids stood beside me, they were wearing a black jersey with "how's the josh" printed on the front, & a mechanical logo with nut-bolts near the upper left where their heart resides. They were flaunting the jersey the whole ride, I'm like wait  bitches till the placement season 😂.           One fine day a multinational company will pick you & put you in front of a PC & one thing you forgot to put on the jersey is a "??” sign 😟 PS: The josh is always high sir 🔥

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