
Showing posts from September, 2019

100Rs change

Today over the bus ride I saw him, just another random guy who gave the conductor a 100Rs note & asked for a ticket whose fair equals 5Rs. When the conductor asked for the change this fella nodded no, the conductor asked him to wait for a few stops... Two stops later this Bozo took out a 5Rs coin & told the conductor that the coin was hidden somewhere in his backpack. When the conductor handed him the ticket he also gave him the Smug face... PS: it's all about the change 😅, sometimes you need it sometimes you don't.


Today over the bus ride I overheard his conversation over the phone, he is just another random guy who is going home after a long day at work. He was telling his colleague to be on time the next day, today he got stranded in the workplace & bound to do a double shift so tomorrow he can take leave & take a Chill Pill. He may be the happiest soul I saw today, the reason is so silly he may not have to deal with heavy rains tomorrow. PS: oh rain tum kal aana 🙃

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