
Showing posts from February, 2020

Wrong side of the road

So today I went cycling in the neighbourhood, Soon after a 10km roundtrip, I found myself resting on the bus stop near to my residence. But this morning was irregular as this random guy on his motorcycle asked me a favour to handover two 10Rs coins which he handed me telling, please can you give this 20Rs to that flowerpot seller we were able to see at a distance blurred in traffic. He thought I could make it on my bicycle, so I turned the bicycle around on the wrong side of the road but a few moments later I lost that hawker as he vanished from my eyesight. Now I have 20Rs which do not belong to me & I feel like I stole it from stranger against my will 🤔.

Stalked by Love

#StalkedByLove  Today on the bus stop I saw her, she is so gorgeous you know, those gracious eyes that cute smile. But she was getting stalked, she still felt secured regardless of the stalking because she knew she was getting stalked by her Momma Cat. Don't know which calendar that animals follow but all I noticed is "They don't wait an entire year to celebrate the love among themselves." For em Every day is Valentine's Day. PS: I wish I was a Cat ☹

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