
Showing posts from December, 2018

Running local

Today I saw him he is just another 30-year-old guy, I'm watching him from the compartment door. The local is about to start he is running towards the local compartment. He wants to board the local, (but the local had already picked its speed) I thought he was running in slow motion but he is not I think that's his maximum speed.           Finally, he is here at the edge of the door, sad thing is he got stumble into the bar while boarding the local (he was about to fall that's when I grabbed his arm & pulled him in). Finally, he is inside the compartment, he gave a thumbs up to the guy who was standing across of me, when he made up his mind that he is safe & sound & inside the local.           That's when this 3rd random guy came into the picture all he said to him was "why didn't you wait for the next local???, 10 minutes worth the wait". PS: Fella I was the one who pulled you in ...


Today over the bus ride I saw her, she is the prettiest of all. All I wanted to go and sat beside her but damn she chose to sit on the reserved seat, the one with  स्त्रीयांसाठी  (The seat reserved for ladies) written on the back. She is the reason I'm on this planet earth, she is the reason I'm an engineer she is my mother (Usha Lokare). Today was very special for me I attained two weddings at different venues today. A lot of introverts don't do that. 

Merry Christmas Aadya

Today my 4-year-old neighbour Aadya got a gift from her dad on the joyous occasion of Christmas (it's a brand new piano 🎹). She was bragging about the brand new piano in the whole neighbourhood. When I asked her to unbox the piano she nodded no & told me its not the right time 😅.                So I told her when I was 6 I had the same piano, as years go by those keys on the piano started to fall apart 😞, at one time I have to throw away that piano 😤 just because the broken keys & drained out batteries. So please hurry & unbox that piano I want to see you playing that piano of yours 😌. Merry x'mas Aadya.


Today over the bus ride this random girl sat beside me like always I offered her the snacks (she took them). Now she is in my debt, she has to answer my question.             So I asked her name, she told me her name is Kshitija . Oh, like the horizon 🤔, from her facial expression I can tell she had no clue what I'm talking about 😅. So I told her, "your name Kshitija came from the word horizon (It's an apparent line which separates the earth from the sky ). Kshitij is a Marathi word for the horizon." when I told her, her name came from kshitij . When she understood that her name has a deep meaning, her facial expressions did change. PS: what kind of girl are you? you don't even know the meaning of your own name 😒

Why didn't I press all the buttons 😒

Today at ambience court I saw this random girl, she is making an entry in the register (there is nervousness on her face). The look on her face told me she is here for an interview. She & I got in the same elevator those 15 floors we talked like for 50 seconds .               I initiated the conversation by asking "you here for an interview gal??". When we got out the elevator I wished her best luck珞. She gave me the prettiest smile , may that random girl gets selected for the post . Those 50 seconds were the best part of my day. I still regret  why didn't I press all the buttons from 1-15 

Jesus Loves You

Today over the bus ride way home I saw her, she is just another random girl. She was heading home, she was walking on the sidewalk it's dark out there. but the saddest thing about her is her left eye is blackened.                Her eye is darker than the night. Somebody might have punched her in the face 😞 or not who knows 🤔. But soon she got out of my eyesight I saw this sign "Jesus Loves You 🤗". Hope that random girl read that sign too. I'm like girl somebody loves you 💓 M erry x 'mas PS: Jesus loves you all.

Happy coding

Today the way home I sat in this autorickshaw, this colleague of mine sat beside me like always I offered her the snacks. She refused to take. I asked her are you an engineer too 😅, yes she told me.             I thought She & I belong to the same age group. I asked do you have a bachelor's degree too. 😒 Na She told me she has a Master's degree + she took a break of 2 years after her marriage. Turned out she is a couple of years older than me 😲. She is happily married since last 2 years & those years are still counting. PS: may that count never goes out of the loop 🤗 Happy coding!!

False alarm

Today over the bus ride this random guy sat beside me, like always I was having some snacks & like always I offered him. But this time this(random guy) he refused to have a bite. 1) It indicates he is full 2) your snacks don't worth sharing 3) he wants to take a byte but he is shy kind of guy 4th and last one indicates he is not interested in having a conversation. Wait for few minutes & offer him the snacks again if he still refuses to do so, 4th point is proved. if you don't offer him the snacks you are the bhookad kind 😀😂 PS : this means at this instance 😌


Today in one of those Mumbai locals I saw him, he is a random 20-year-old guy. He is carrying a 200 pages notebook, but the notebook is not just used for taking down the notes 🤔. Every other left page is filled with the sketch of a girl having different hairstyles in every sketch. He was showing all those sketches to his mate. But he told him these sketches are of his classroom crush 😌. When his mate asked him the name, all he did was (shh)🤫. #MissingVIT #missingDivA

Share the Snacks

How to initiate the conversation with your co-passenger if you are having some snacks. Offer him/her the snacks, if he/she took the sacks there it is 😌 he/she is in your debt. He or she has to talk to you ask him/her where is he/she headed if he/she tells you the name of the place. He/she is interested in having a conversation with you keep the other person engaged by such questionsns,  they are not your co-passenger they are your companion for the journey 🤗


Today over the bus ride way home this random guy sat beside me, I saw him giving a missed call on a saved contact 😒. but the funny thing I noticed in this situation is the contact is saved as "Bhikari kaki 😖". In my mind, the only thought is flooded "if you the one giving her miss calls, how come her contact is saved with the data_type bhikari"? # ytho 😂

How to start a conversation with the autodriver if the autorickshaw looks brand new?

You start by asking how come the autorickshaw looks brand new. So he told me it's only been 2 months I bought this auto rickshaw then your next question should be what you used to do for a living before this auto came in your life? 😇             So the auto driver told me he used to drive a school van, driving a school van is more than a source of moneymaking because taking the kids to their school & bringing them home safe was his only moto the money wasn't the issue for him, he drives a rickshaw for fun there is no need for him to drive an auto because his only daughter is a schoolteacher 😌.

Corner seat

Today in one of the Mumbai locals I sat on the 3rd seat, in front of me there is a random guy who sat on the corner seat (4th seat). 1min later the guy beside me left his seat, the 2nd seat is empty now I asked the random guy to sit beside me. But he told me I'm 55-year-old & I never got the opportunity to sit on 1 of the 3 seats.Now I chose to sit on the corner seat 😇 #4thSeatGuy PS: he was the happiest soul I saw today.

2 rupee coin

Today in one of those Mumbai locals. I saw her she & I used to be schoolmates. She was seating beside this random guy they were talking about relationships & all. But when this 4-year-old came begging for a rupee or so, they told her we gave you a rupee each the other day. Today again you are here begging for the rupee coin, they argued for a while how a pretty girl like her begging in locals 😟. But they didn't take much of her time, the random guy put a 2 rupee coin on behalf of both of them. The 2 rupee coin represents they are a couple 😄 (Handholding & closness aside). #ItsAsmallWorldAfterall

Cricket bat

Today way home from the bus stop I saw this random guy with a fractured hand. The fracture was not the issue for him I'm telling you because he was holding a cricket bat in the other hand. He was the happiest guy from that team, maybe just because it was his turn to bat 😂 (We always think about the mountains ahead of us but we forgot the mountains behind us which are as hard to climb 🌋)

Costly smartphone

How to start a conversation with your co-passenger if he/she is carrying a costly smartphone. Ask him/her what phone is it, if he/she started telling you about the features he/she is interested in a healthy conversation once he/she done telling you the features there is nothing else but awkward silence. Now, wait for him\her to break the silence if the awkward silence is still there. Take a glance through the window see how pretty the world is 💚 Mumbai arthat Bombay

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