Musalman lady & her 5-year-old son

Today I was at the d_mart counter at 9:30 pm waiting in the line there were 5 people in front of me. There was no one else from the same age group to talk.
             So I was staring in space that's the moment I saw her, she walked in with her 5-year-old baby, all of the sudden she came & stood beside me. Her baby was teasing her in the best way possible. But then I saw her struggling with the stack of baskets, the FIFO thing wasn't working.
             So I took out the basket for her, she said shukriya (Thank you). I'm like I don't need your thank you. All I want to see is a smile on your face. I don't want you to struggle on such a stupid silly FIFO pipeline 😄.

PS : FIFO pipeline is buggy sometimes.

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