
Showing posts from 2018

Running local

Today I saw him he is just another 30-year-old guy, I'm watching him from the compartment door. The local is about to start he is running towards the local compartment. He wants to board the local, (but the local had already picked its speed) I thought he was running in slow motion but he is not I think that's his maximum speed.           Finally, he is here at the edge of the door, sad thing is he got stumble into the bar while boarding the local (he was about to fall that's when I grabbed his arm & pulled him in). Finally, he is inside the compartment, he gave a thumbs up to the guy who was standing across of me, when he made up his mind that he is safe & sound & inside the local.           That's when this 3rd random guy came into the picture all he said to him was "why didn't you wait for the next local???, 10 minutes worth the wait". PS: Fella I was the one who pulled you in ...


Today over the bus ride I saw her, she is the prettiest of all. All I wanted to go and sat beside her but damn she chose to sit on the reserved seat, the one with  स्त्रीयांसाठी  (The seat reserved for ladies) written on the back. She is the reason I'm on this planet earth, she is the reason I'm an engineer she is my mother (Usha Lokare). Today was very special for me I attained two weddings at different venues today. A lot of introverts don't do that. 

Merry Christmas Aadya

Today my 4-year-old neighbour Aadya got a gift from her dad on the joyous occasion of Christmas (it's a brand new piano 🎹). She was bragging about the brand new piano in the whole neighbourhood. When I asked her to unbox the piano she nodded no & told me its not the right time 😅.                So I told her when I was 6 I had the same piano, as years go by those keys on the piano started to fall apart 😞, at one time I have to throw away that piano 😤 just because the broken keys & drained out batteries. So please hurry & unbox that piano I want to see you playing that piano of yours 😌. Merry x'mas Aadya.


Today over the bus ride this random girl sat beside me like always I offered her the snacks (she took them). Now she is in my debt, she has to answer my question.             So I asked her name, she told me her name is Kshitija . Oh, like the horizon 🤔, from her facial expression I can tell she had no clue what I'm talking about 😅. So I told her, "your name Kshitija came from the word horizon (It's an apparent line which separates the earth from the sky ). Kshitij is a Marathi word for the horizon." when I told her, her name came from kshitij . When she understood that her name has a deep meaning, her facial expressions did change. PS: what kind of girl are you? you don't even know the meaning of your own name 😒

Why didn't I press all the buttons 😒

Today at ambience court I saw this random girl, she is making an entry in the register (there is nervousness on her face). The look on her face told me she is here for an interview. She & I got in the same elevator those 15 floors we talked like for 50 seconds .               I initiated the conversation by asking "you here for an interview gal??". When we got out the elevator I wished her best luck珞. She gave me the prettiest smile , may that random girl gets selected for the post . Those 50 seconds were the best part of my day. I still regret  why didn't I press all the buttons from 1-15 

Jesus Loves You

Today over the bus ride way home I saw her, she is just another random girl. She was heading home, she was walking on the sidewalk it's dark out there. but the saddest thing about her is her left eye is blackened.                Her eye is darker than the night. Somebody might have punched her in the face 😞 or not who knows 🤔. But soon she got out of my eyesight I saw this sign "Jesus Loves You 🤗". Hope that random girl read that sign too. I'm like girl somebody loves you 💓 M erry x 'mas PS: Jesus loves you all.

Happy coding

Today the way home I sat in this autorickshaw, this colleague of mine sat beside me like always I offered her the snacks. She refused to take. I asked her are you an engineer too 😅, yes she told me.             I thought She & I belong to the same age group. I asked do you have a bachelor's degree too. 😒 Na She told me she has a Master's degree + she took a break of 2 years after her marriage. Turned out she is a couple of years older than me 😲. She is happily married since last 2 years & those years are still counting. PS: may that count never goes out of the loop 🤗 Happy coding!!

False alarm

Today over the bus ride this random guy sat beside me, like always I was having some snacks & like always I offered him. But this time this(random guy) he refused to have a bite. 1) It indicates he is full 2) your snacks don't worth sharing 3) he wants to take a byte but he is shy kind of guy 4th and last one indicates he is not interested in having a conversation. Wait for few minutes & offer him the snacks again if he still refuses to do so, 4th point is proved. if you don't offer him the snacks you are the bhookad kind 😀😂 PS : this means at this instance 😌


Today in one of those Mumbai locals I saw him, he is a random 20-year-old guy. He is carrying a 200 pages notebook, but the notebook is not just used for taking down the notes 🤔. Every other left page is filled with the sketch of a girl having different hairstyles in every sketch. He was showing all those sketches to his mate. But he told him these sketches are of his classroom crush 😌. When his mate asked him the name, all he did was (shh)🤫. #MissingVIT #missingDivA

Share the Snacks

How to initiate the conversation with your co-passenger if you are having some snacks. Offer him/her the snacks, if he/she took the sacks there it is 😌 he/she is in your debt. He or she has to talk to you ask him/her where is he/she headed if he/she tells you the name of the place. He/she is interested in having a conversation with you keep the other person engaged by such questionsns,  they are not your co-passenger they are your companion for the journey 🤗


Today over the bus ride way home this random guy sat beside me, I saw him giving a missed call on a saved contact 😒. but the funny thing I noticed in this situation is the contact is saved as "Bhikari kaki 😖". In my mind, the only thought is flooded "if you the one giving her miss calls, how come her contact is saved with the data_type bhikari"? # ytho 😂

How to start a conversation with the autodriver if the autorickshaw looks brand new?

You start by asking how come the autorickshaw looks brand new. So he told me it's only been 2 months I bought this auto rickshaw then your next question should be what you used to do for a living before this auto came in your life? 😇             So the auto driver told me he used to drive a school van, driving a school van is more than a source of moneymaking because taking the kids to their school & bringing them home safe was his only moto the money wasn't the issue for him, he drives a rickshaw for fun there is no need for him to drive an auto because his only daughter is a schoolteacher 😌.

Corner seat

Today in one of the Mumbai locals I sat on the 3rd seat, in front of me there is a random guy who sat on the corner seat (4th seat). 1min later the guy beside me left his seat, the 2nd seat is empty now I asked the random guy to sit beside me. But he told me I'm 55-year-old & I never got the opportunity to sit on 1 of the 3 seats.Now I chose to sit on the corner seat 😇 #4thSeatGuy PS: he was the happiest soul I saw today.

2 rupee coin

Today in one of those Mumbai locals. I saw her she & I used to be schoolmates. She was seating beside this random guy they were talking about relationships & all. But when this 4-year-old came begging for a rupee or so, they told her we gave you a rupee each the other day. Today again you are here begging for the rupee coin, they argued for a while how a pretty girl like her begging in locals 😟. But they didn't take much of her time, the random guy put a 2 rupee coin on behalf of both of them. The 2 rupee coin represents they are a couple 😄 (Handholding & closness aside). #ItsAsmallWorldAfterall

Cricket bat

Today way home from the bus stop I saw this random guy with a fractured hand. The fracture was not the issue for him I'm telling you because he was holding a cricket bat in the other hand. He was the happiest guy from that team, maybe just because it was his turn to bat 😂 (We always think about the mountains ahead of us but we forgot the mountains behind us which are as hard to climb 🌋)

Costly smartphone

How to start a conversation with your co-passenger if he/she is carrying a costly smartphone. Ask him/her what phone is it, if he/she started telling you about the features he/she is interested in a healthy conversation once he/she done telling you the features there is nothing else but awkward silence. Now, wait for him\her to break the silence if the awkward silence is still there. Take a glance through the window see how pretty the world is 💚 Mumbai arthat Bombay

Stolen phone

He is snoozing on a bus ride, his desired stop came he hopped out the bus, soon on the next stop the co-passenger also left, but the random guy who left the bus earlier came back following the bus in an autorickshaw. Just to find his stolen phone 😞 (It's been 15min since then) phone is still unreachable. I think the random guy 2 has it but where is he no one knows 😟, cause he may be thinking how to sell this stolen phone while as this random guy one is worried about buying a new phone.😒

Burst those bubbles

Today way home from the bus stop I saw this 4-year-old kid blowing soap bubbles, he was worried about how long the soap water will last?? But he doesn't know the real fun lies in bursting the soap bubble.        When I pass by him I almost burst half of those bubbles with my fingernails. May that random kid will understand the fun in the game. 🗯💭🗯💭 PS: Kido stop worrying about the soap water to end 🤗

Lady & Lullaby

Today the way home from the bus stop, I was staring in space how empty the sky looks, how that moon is the loneliest person in the sky. But soon I' m heading towards my place I heard that old lullaby. The one with the rhyming words that's when I saw this random lady she was singing an old lullaby to her 4 year old, so that he can fell asleep. So that he can go to his dreamland where he can ride a pony. it's been a while I have seen a mother singing lullaby to her kiddo. #BestMotherOfTheDay 🤗

Importance of an uniform

Today over the bus ride I saw this 2 stupid 19-year-old, the reason I'd called them stupid is they were arguing about their college uniform. About the pink T-shirt & the sky blue trousers, but they don't know the importance of a uniform. A uniform helps the student to get rid of peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. But still, there was a smile on their face & dreams in those eyes.

60-year-old lady

Today I'm in this same old bus again, It's the same old street. I saw this random guy who was selling coconuts this 60-year-old lady was bargaining for the same. But when the bus stopped to pick those random bozo's I saw her running towards the front door of the bus, thanks to the driver who stopped the bus. I was wondering how is she so fit at this age? Maybe because of that coconut 😂. but one funny thing I noticed she forgot her change what is the use of bargaining for the same 😂

Pubg zombies

Yesterday the way home from the bus stop, this random girl was walking in front of me. Few steps further she stopped, she was hesitating to walk down that path because there were seven zombies️. Those are waiting on the stairway. You people might be wondering where zombies came from that too in Bhandup (It's basically a village). They were pubg zombies 😂.

Thank you mirror

Today I'm again in this autorickshaw, I sat on the left corner seat so that I can enjoy the roadside view but there were two passengers 1 random guy, one gorgeousness (White shirt, long hair, round specs, red lipstick & that pink blush on her cheeks). I wanted to enjoy the roadside view but her charming smile was begging me to stare at her reflection in the side-view mirror 😍. Those ten minutes were the best part of my day, today I fell in love with her reflection in the side-view mirror. PS: no postscript, I'm still thinking about that reflection of hers in the side view mirror. Thank you mirror, thank you red signal.

Trophy wife & her drunkard husband

Today over the way home from music tuition I was walking down the sidewalk, I saw this trophy wife (with fancy clothes, high heels, round glasses, light makeup), but her eyes were filled with disappointment she was arguing with her drunkard husband & his cheat parents. How they got them married & now she is stuck with him & his unwillingness to work. He sat on this huge flowerpot holding both his hand on his head while this gorgeous lady is shouting at him. The teardrops falling out her gracious eyes 😵 showed how disappointed she is from this marriage. But a few steps further I saw this young couple on a bus stop bench taking random selfies.😇


It's sad when you ask your 6-year-old neighbor "what did the teacher teach you today. " & she suddenly replies with a 😢 sad face. I didn't go to the school today. 😐             I was sleeping in my tiny bed the whole day just because of this stupid fever ☹. Missing a school day it's the worst part of the standard one. This is one of the reasons I used to sit alone in practicals & lectures  😇 #MissingVIT 

Meter down

Today on the way over home I sat in his autorickshaw. This Random auto driver behind him waved at me but I ignored him & sat in his autorickshaw. We talked for the whole 10min journey, he told me he used to be a hawker & soon he gathered money in order to buy this autorickshaw.              Now he drives autorickshaw for a living. But when I reached home I saw the meter it was indicating only 16 rupees. I asked him "Brother why your meter is running slow ".  He replied with a sad face ☹. I forgot to put the meter down just because he was arguing with the autorickshaw guy who waved at me. PS : I gave him 23 rupees stating, usually the fare comes to 22 😇

Learning to Ride

Sunday afternoon I was chilling in the front yard. I saw this not so random girl learning bicycle 🚲. She was falling every other minute, but I know she was lying when she told her mother she drive for a complete minute on the other side of the road. She is 8-year-old after all.          But one thing I told her, "you don't drive a bicycle, you ride honey 😇". She gave me the prettiest smile. This is crystal, my 8-year-old neighbor. PS: Never lie to your mother 🙈, because she knows 😂

#MissingVIT #Missing110

So again I'm at Vidyalankar bus stop. On the bus stop, I saw this random girl A was telling her friend (random girl B) how her classmate (random girl C), trying to steal random girl A's Boyfriend by constantly texting him 😂. I was waiting for the one10, but in the meantime, I saw this random girl B was paying full attention in the complete story. And I'm here wondering "what does the random girl B has to do with this complete scenario" #BeganiShadimeinAbdullaDiwana Najane kab aayegi ye 110. 🙈 inh ladkiyonki chikchikse chutkara hai pana. #MissingVIT #Missing110

Hobbies [Marathi]

Today over the bus ride this not so random guy sat beside me. He started asking this random questions out of which 1 question was "why do you remain isolated from people " I told him all my hobbies are productive so I have to spend more time on my hobbies. Plus one imp thing is I grew up as an introvert. So these things are bound to happen.          At the end I asked him "Tuze Chand [Hobbies] kay aahet mitra? " this not so random guy doesn't have an answer now. Mitra tuzya aauyshyat chandac nait tr tuza auyshya auyshya thodac aaahe 😒 PS: Tutr Nusta Jagtoys ☹

Stolen Compliment

So this friend of mine & I were chilling after classes. Talking about random stuff & all of the sudden she comes out of the classroom, she was wearing the nicest shoes. I told my friend how pretty her shoes are 🙂. Then she came a little bit closer (I'm still staring at her shoes 😌).           So this friend of mine told her how nice her shoes are & she thanked him. Damn he stole my complaint  (She is his friend now 😒) PS : I'm still staring at those  shoes 👢 👢


At FEPL here is an employee, he is an ordinary guy with ordinary motives. He is always on time, he is workaholic, he is honest, he is good looking. But still there is something different about this fella, He always wears a white shirt and a black pant. When I asked him what's the reason behind this there is no dress code at FEPL. He told me my wife says so 😒 #HusbandOfTheDay

Paper Bag

So this random girl hoped in the bus today she was carrying a tiny paper bag. I saw her struggling between a bunch of bozo's 😖.So I offered her my seat. She said "no let it be it's only 2 stops &I'm going to leave anyways" so I told her it's okay if you don't wanna seat, but let your paper bag sit on my lap. So she kept her paper bag on my lap 😌, she bought the ticket &  she left on the very next stop. Gosh, I'm gonna miss her. PS: she was 1 of the prettiest paper bags I have seen so far 😍

Happy Diwali

Today morning on the railway station I was waiting for the local. but in the meanwhile, I was wondering how beautiful the world is 🤔, I was paying attention to the birds chirping ☺.          But there was an angry soul on platform no 2 he was yelling at random strangers for no reason, and every other word he uttered is same as the first one (woof). Ex😅actly I'm talking about this random dog yelling at everyone on the platform ☹ Or is it his way of wishing happy Diwali  😇

Local compartment

Today I'm not in a bus, I'm in Mumbai's lifeline Local train. Today morning I'm on this not so random platform waiting for her, that's when I saw this random 5-year-old begging. I was staring at her how she goes from 1 random guy to another, soon the local came before I board the local compartment  I saw the most beautiful thing, (It's saffron on top 😎, green at the bottom😍 & white in the middle😌) it's our national flag painted on a local compartment 😇.              It's way past 15 Aug but the flag is still unaltered. I board the same compartment. Proud to be an Indian.

Piggy pink Pluck

Today over the way home from music tuitions I was looking for an autorickshaw. So this random gal who was walking behind me started a conversation by saying hi, soon we got into talking & this random gal told me she just bought a new guitar, at first she thought it will be easier but as it turned out it's not as easy as she thought.            She asked me how long you have been playing guitar. I told her it's been only 7 years of my life. Earlier it used to be a hobby but now this Granada is a part of me & I'm a part of him 😇 PS: She & I sat in the same autorickshaw but she forgot her pluck 😍

Day before Diwali

Today my 6-year-old neighbour & I were drawing in the front yard. She was drawing an ice cream truck & I was making a sketch of her drawing an ice cream truck, while she & I enjoying the dewali vacation this random lady pass by saying hi to annisa.             Annisa told me she is my tuition teacher. This random lady is not so random for me now but the moment she got out of our eyesight, that tiny bulb in her 6-year-old mind blinked; her dewali homework is still pending☹. Once she is done with her Diwali homework she can enjoy the rest of her holidays lighting up the fireworks while wearing those new shiny clothes. PS: Happy Diwali in advance 😇


Today morning 7:15 am I sat in an autorickshaw, we were waiting for the third passenger, soon this random 6-year-old gal came but the auto driver asked her to sit beside him in the front seat, but she refused the Reason is obvious her parents raise her well. PS: 5 minutes later I saw this gal rushing her way to to school but she is walking along with her 6-year-old friend 😇

Guitar V/S Violin

Yesterday the way home from music tuitions before that random gal & I sat in the same auto this not so random gatekeeper asked me the thing that you are carrying on your back, what instrument it is ☹ is it a violin? He asked me.            When I told him the difference between a guitar & a violin, He thanked me & started telling me his sad story how he used to be a flute seller & end up to be a gatekeeper. He told me people nowadays don't think of music as a hobby it's more of a waste of time. PS: who are this people 😒


Today she was in front of my door, she wants to come in 😅. But she can't reach till the doorbell. She also can't knock (I mean she can but there is a tinny tiny possibility that knock won't be loud). It's not because her hands are so damn small it's just because her hands are paws. She is MIMI the cat. So she meowed for a while in front of my door. When I opened that door she was standing on her 2 paws & 2 claws. PS : She is not alone  today Mimi Jr. Is also there knocking on that wooden door 😌

Undone apple

Today on the bus stop I saw this random guy was eating a big red apple. I was waiting for the bus, soon this bus with random number came. I guess this guy was waiting for the same bus with the same digits.           When the bus with random number came & stood in front of him, He boards the bus but he dropped his apple (Undone apple). This random girl beside me saw that he dropped an undone apple (She yelled at him), but he ignored her. Now that Apple is going to lie down there till the next morning.

I miss you

Today over the bus ride I saw her. She & I used to be friends, she & I used to play together. (Carrom board was the only thing that kept us apart) She chose to be a doctor 👩‍⚕& I chose to be an engineer. Now she is sitting on the corner seat at the back & I'm here sitting in my favorite place.          I'm glad she didn't recognize me after so many years. I did not say hello or hi to her cause I'm happy that she is not alone, she is sitting beside this random guy they were holding hands. PS: I miss you.😌

Bunch of foreigners gigging by the stairs

Today over the bus ride I saw this bunch of foreigners gigging by the stairs of this 70-year-old Bridge.          One fella was playing guitar, one playing tabla, one with a flute & this only female in the group was having a harmonica in her hand.           Thank God for the red signal. I got to see them gigging for a whole minute. PS: They were playing a Hindi song 😉.


Today over the bus ride way home I saw this random guy sitting in a huge white car, he was wearing the nicest clothes. A costly watch but one thing I noticed is that he is busy filling up some excel sheets. PS: He is the workaholic guy I saw today.

Meter down 😡

Today on the way over home I sat in his autorickshaw 🙂. This Random auto driver behind him waved at me but I ignored him & sat in his autorickshaw. We talked for the whole 10min journey, he told me he used to be a hawker & soon he gathered money in order to buy this autorickshaw 😕.        Now he drives autorickshaw for a living. But when I reached home I saw the meter it was indicating only 16 rupees. I asked him "Brother why your meter is running slow ".  He replied with a sad face ☹. I forgot to put the meter down just because he was arguing with the autorickshaw wala who waved at me. PS : I gave him 23 rupees stating, usually the fare comes to 22 😇


It's sad when you ask your 6-year-old neighbor "what did the teacher teach you today ?" & she suddenly replies with a 😢 sad face. I didn't go to the school today. 😐               I was sleeping in my tiny bed the whole day just because of this stupid fever ☹. Missing a school day it's the worst part of the standard one. This is one of the reasons I used to sit alone in practicals & lectures  😇 #MissingVIT #Missing110

Crush in the neighborhood

Today the same old day at FEPL. I and my colleague were talking about life & GK, out of the blue this colleague of mine out of curiosity asked me "Dude what is the name of your crush from your neighborhood ?."             I gave him the most diplomatic answer, "If you know the name of your crush, She is not your crush. 😈"

Lady devastated by the October heat

Today in the Mumbai local this random lady board the men's compartment, She looked devastated by the October heat. Soon she boards the local she started looking for a place to stand or sit in the men's compartment. I offered her my seat, all she said is "Thanks 😊".         Miss, I don't want your thank you, I was about to hop out on the next station anyways 😅. PS: Her thanks made my day.

18-year-old auto-driver

Today I sat in his autorickshaw, He is just 18-year-old . He was driving like a pro. He had a perfect haircut. He drives for fun. He used to be a singer in a bar & restaurant but due to some unavoidable circumstances, he had to start driving. ☹ Now he drives an autorickshaw for a living 😌. PS: He never wears a uniform 😊

8-year-old uke

Today over the bus ride way home I saw this same old sound monk store(I have been visiting that store since last 8 years). I hopped out the bus soon I saw her she is 8-year-old. She's been there waiting for me when I pushed the door my eyes directly land upon her. I asked the random guy how many versions are available in the same type, He said she is the only one we are left with.          She is just a random ukulele 🎸 (A hello kitty version). I told the random guy "I don't deserve her she is too pretty for me".Then the random guy told me she is 8-year-old & still nobody is taking her home. She's just a hello kitty version. PS: She is too girly for girls 😂


I was walking on this random skywalk, I took a peak down on the road that's when I saw this random double-decker was flooded with n no of people. I was wondering how a single conductor is able to punch so many tickets??           Then I asked my colleague, how a single conductor is able to punch so many tickets ? as it turned out there are two conductors in a double-decker . PS: I never had the opportunity to sit in a double-decker ☹

How to make a friend over a bus ride

Let me tell you how to make a friend over a bus ride: 1st you start by saying " Hi ". 2nd you compliment his/her attire. 3rd engage the other person in a healthy conversation. 4th you end the conversation by greeting him/her goodbye. PS : It's lot more easier if the random guy/girl sat besides you 😅.

She was my schoolmate

Today over the bus ride way home, I was waiting by the door (only two stops were there for me to hop out ). The bus is running, that's the moment I saw her ( She was my schoolmate ). She saw me, I saw her. She wanted me to wave at her, But as always I'm not good at eye contact I ignored her implying that I didn't recognised her presence. She was from D-division & I always belonged to A-division.            But deep down I wanted to smile & wave at her but this time the bus is running ☹, I'm feeling helpless not because I was from the A-division. Just because the bus is running ☹ PS: She still looks the same 😄( I still don't know her name)

Undone Buckle

Today morning I board the same old bus, from the same old stop. But this time the bus is flooded more than usual. So again this random conductor working with full dedication, I bought the ticket  (I'm one of the standing fellows this time).         He stood in front of me, working as a pro punching ticket with maximum speed. But I noticed one thing about his wristwatch, the buckle on the strap of the wristwatch is undone.         Soon I pointed out that, the buckle on the wristwatch is undone. He locked the buckle & thanked me for it, He said: "this wristwatch is gifted by my daughter, from her first ever salary." PS: Today I made him smile for such a silly thing.

Wingardium Leviosa

Today I & my friend hop in bus number 339 (It's Sunday, the October heat is killing me), I was in my same old seat (In front of the back door). We were talking about random stuff going on our lives.            That's  the moment she entered the bus (She is our age). The moment she entered the bus my eyes land  upon  her, She was wearing a black t-shirt with  Wingardium Leviosa  written on the back.  while my friend was wondering how pretty the girl is I was more interested in her T-shirt than her looks.  Harry Potter fan after all 👊 PS: It's Leviosa, not leviorsa 💀

Imaginary dog (Satan)

Today morning I ran towards the wind, I ran like there is a dog behind me trying to bite me in the best possible way he can.           You know like the way Phoebe did in the s6e7 of friends, where she was running towards the wind running away from Satan (the neighbor's dog).           But just after 1km run this random guy & his 4-year-old saw me. The random guy told the 4-year-old see how people like me take good care of their health. You should start working out too. PS: Today I inspired a  4-year-old by simple means. 

What is a bus stop ?

Today my 6year-old neighbor asked me what a bus stop is ?? I told her a bus stop is the greatest place in the world 👶, it's a predefined place where all the random people gather just to get from point A to point B.          You see numerous kinds of people on the bus stop they may or may not be random for you. But it doesn't matter where they came from in the end everyone is going to hop on a random bus & become a " Bozo, in a Bus ride 😇 ". PS: That smile on her face was precious 👱

10 minutes talk with sweeper

Today morning at FEPL I spent 10 minutes talking to the sweeper. He asked me "what have you studied?". I told him "I'm an ENGINEER ", As the conversation moves ahead he told me I wasn't good at studies so I end up to be a sweeper. So you keep studying always.          Soon the conversation came to an end & he asked me where do you stay in Mumbai? I'm like I stay at  Bhandup West 😈 & Then I asked him "where do you reside in Mumbai?" he told me I stay at JUHU 🌊. (Where most of the wealthy people in Mumbai stays) Then we both laughed 😂 PS: It doesn't matter what do you do for a living, at the end of the day you have to put food on the table.

Decision you make in life...

Today over the bus ride way home, one random guy sat beside me. The thing is he was carrying a tab, I asked him whether you work in sales/marketing. As it turned out he is currently working in sales.            But then the conversation started to flow he asked me do you have any business ideas?. I told him, fella I'm just a bozo in this bus ride, I don't have any ideas. Then we talked about so many topics. He & I are from the same age group that mattered a lot. He was about to exit & he quoted "one thing you keep in mind in life, everything is about the decision you make. " PS: The decision always has to be right 😇

Blue is her color

Today morning at 6 o'clock I was returning from the morning run. One of the street light was blinking, that's when I saw her 😳. She was warming up for the morning run under that street light.          But soon my eyes land upon her she was not random anymore, I know her from somewhere . Damn that light bulb in my tiny brain just blinked, she & I went to the same college. But one thing for sure blue is her color. PS: I hate the fact that she was on the other side of the street ☹

Guy on a mountain bike

Today when I was staring out the window I saw something that I never get to see on most of the days. I saw him he was riding a mountain bike a Water bottle was tied up on her.           A very long beard, a big mustache, a big ponytail, bulging biceps. But soon the bus stepped ahead I got to see his face. He was a random guy but he belonged to the 60's age group. PS: He is the fittest guy I saw in days 😊

A random Bicycle

Yesterday over the bus ride the way home, I saw this random girl 20-year-old maybe riding a bicycle. She was carrying a laptop bag. I was wondering what a lucky bicycle, A pretty girl like her was riding her. Soon the bus stopped on her predefined bus stop, she took over. I'm not going to see her again.           Again today over the workplace I saw another bicycle but this time nobody was riding her, Because she was thrown away in a sewer. What if somebody took good care of her, A pretty lady might be riding her too. PS: That's life it sucks, But you love it 😇

Feeding the pigeons

Today morning, over the bus ride I saw this random guy. Thanks to the red light I got to see him for another 2 more minutes. He was the happiest guy in the world. Let me tell you why he was the happiest guy in the world.                      He was feeding Pigeons 😇.I'm like you have to be happy from the bottom of your heart to feed pigeons.                               PS: This guy was living his life with no regrets 😌

Thank you stranger

Today morning I was rushing towards the railway station. I was in a hurry to catch the morning local, but there was a random girl in front of me who 25_26-year-old maybe.          While I was hurrying so that I don't miss the local, She was walking in peace. She was staring at the frog in the puddle, the group of puppies,  A handicapped man maybe. All the time I was watching her & wondering "How is she so calm ??".          Soon we lead towards the platform & we board the same local. She taught me a lot that day, thank you, stranger. PS: I didn't get to see her face 😓

Dr. Sampada Nair

I have to take an appointment just to meet her, when I meet her she says "please have a seat". Then she grabs my chin, then grabs my cheeks.😇 (augh 😤) The way she grabs my cheeks 😌.          Then she takes 20 minutes to get the work done. Then she asks me to leave ☹. She is the prettiest dentist who touched my cheeks till date. PS : My goatee tickles her. #thatswhatshesaid 😂

Why to keep the desk clean ?

Today during tee time I was clearing up my desk, in order to make room for some new types of equipment. I was hurrying in order to drink the tee asap. All the dust gathered in a corner, I left that corner untouched. Mr. Vijay Sampat saw that I left a corner untouched, He came to me & told me "this is your desk, you come here every day, slay here every day. You have to keep every corner of it clean."          So I kept the tee aside & cleared up the rusty corner first. I had to drink cold tee today, but that wasn't the issue. A senior taught me a life lesson today. Mr. Vijay Sampat (BE Mechanical: 76-year-old) &  still working. #epicnesslieswithin

Musalman lady & her 5-year-old son

Today I was at the d_mart counter at 9:30 pm waiting in the line there were 5 people in front of me. There was no one else from the same age group to talk.              So I was staring in space that's the moment I saw her, she walked in with her 5-year-old baby, all of the sudden she came & stood beside me. Her baby was teasing her in the best way possible. But then I saw her struggling with the stack of baskets, the FIFO thing wasn't working.              So I took out the basket for her, she said shukriya (Thank you). I'm like I don't need your thank you. All I want to see is a smile on your face. I don't want you to struggle on such a stupid silly FIFO pipeline 😄. PS : FIFO pipeline is buggy sometimes.

Mr. Vijay Sampat

Hello friends,  how are you this is how he starts a conversation. Then he compliments your attire & then comes some work stuff. Then he says "See you tomorrow", then he goes to his seat.          But one thing I want to share about this fellow, he is 76-year-old stays at Juhu (where all the rich people in Mumbai stays) & still working at FEPL. Every time I see him there is always a smile on his face.          He is Mr. Vijay Sampat (BE Mechanical) PS: He is the happiest guy at FEPL 😌.

Chasing the dreams

Today on the way to the workplace, I board the Mumbai metro from the same old metro station. The seats were half full. I was enjoying the AC, on the very next stop A Random guy hopped in, but He was in a hurry to find a seat, He stumbled upon this beautiful girl. But the random guy sat beside me. This Random girl was staring at him, giving him the creepiest look she can give to anyone.         So this Random guy started talking to me, all he said was "It's okay to stumble upon someone else while chasing our dreams."          I argued with him for the whole 10 minutes journey, as it turned out I wasted my 10 mins. But the good thing is I got to see this beautiful 5-year-old girl playing inside the Mumbai metro. PS: She was the prettiest thing I saw today.


An open tempo (Chota hatti) is the best way to flaunt the Ganesha murti. Most of the people use this vehicle in order to flaunt their Ganesha murti When everyone is taking their beloved Bappa for visarjan. They usually give away sweets in order to celebrate the love towards their beloved Bappa.                   Today over the bus ride way home. I was in my same old seat, In front of the back door on the window side. I was staring out the window. Trying to catch a glimpse at this gorgeous Ganesha murti. Out of the blue, this random guy hopped out the vehicle & you know what he is coming towards me. Now that he is here standing by the window, I was wondering what he's going to do ?. All he did was shouted out "Ganpati Bappa MORYA!!". And hand me over the sweets  (Prasad). I'm like "How do you know I am hungry brother? ? all I had for lunch is a big red apple 🍎" #Visarjan.

Mrs. Ghoogre

          So yesterday at 8o'clk, I board the same old bus from the same old stop. Soon I found a place to sit, on the very next stop she hopped in. Those big eyes 😳, round specs, curly hair, and her identity 🌹 a red rose in her curly hair. She was Mrs. Ghoogre, my drawing teacher. I was her favorite student, she is the reason I draw so well.           I haven't seen her since the 7th grade, She still looks the same. But today I couldn't make the courage to go up to her and start a conversation because I still remember that day when she hit me with a steel scale cuz I can't paint. PS: I still can't paint 😂

Musalman & Masjid

So today over the bus ride way home. This random guy 50_55-year-old sat beside me. The thing is this random guy was constantly watching his wristwatch ⌚ & peeking😞 out the window. "What's wrong? I asked ". He said to me "namaz starts at 830 & now is 8oclk".The thing is I'm hoping this bus will take me to the Masjid before 830.         I'm like there is a fine Masjid between your destination & our place. He wasn't familiar with the Maszid I was talking about, so I guided him for a whole 15 minutes when I enlightened him with my knowledge. All he said to me  "aajkal musalmanko Masjid dikhanewale kaha milte hai?😅"  & I'm like  #Busmein 😄

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